I hate people who…

…become nosy the moment you show them one photo. It appears that my phone has other functions that the dealer did not mention. I have just realised that my phone sometimes serves to boost some people’s bad habits. Please, join me in hating those jokers who you show just one photo on your phone and they go on to scroll through all the other photos you have saved on the phone. What is wrong with some people? I only wanted to show you one photo but your nosy hands could not leave my phone alone. I wonder who brings such people to this earth. They are clearly extra baggage.

Saturday, December 10, 2011
The Hater

…become nosy the moment you show them one photo. It appears that my phone has other functions that the dealer did not mention. I have just realised that my phone sometimes serves to boost some people’s bad habits. Please, join me in hating those jokers who you show just one photo on your phone and they go on to scroll through all the other photos you have saved on the phone.

 What is wrong with some people? I only wanted to show you one photo but your nosy hands could not leave my phone alone. I wonder who brings such people to this earth. They are clearly extra baggage.

…people who answer their phones while chairing meetings. I have said it before that I hate people who cannot resist answering their phones during meetings. Some of them even have loud ringtones to make our lives more miserable.

Now I have much more venom and anger for those who answer their phones while chairing meetings. What kind of example is this? How can someone use such a platform to advertise their foolishness?

Who even appoints such jokers to chair meetings when their morals are not well aligned? One of these days I will be compelled to slap someone during a meeting. 

…simply never finish any task on time. I don’t even know if there is a better way to express my hatred for these people than to pray they lose all their customers.

 I am talking about all those lazy mechanics, cobblers and tailors who always promise to attend to you fast  but each time you show up nothing has been done and that is when they instantly pretend to be working on your car, shoe or dress.

I just pray that all these lazy fellows lose their customers if only to have just one and therefore they can concentrate on one customer at a time instead of preparing to go to hell by spewing a load of lies each time.    

…come up with senseless advertising slogans. I really wish to see the parents of the person who came up with Rwanda Television’s slogan that declares it to be "Your Network of Choice.”

Do these people really know what the word choice means? It is obvious that we have one free-to-air TV station operating in this country so what choice are you talking about apart from the one on my remote control.

I think the only choice we have here is that of switching ON or OFF! So until we have real choices between RTV and other TV stations, I think the person who stupidly came up with this slogan should report to my office for a couple of hot slaps. That is the only choice I am offering.

…are lousy enough to bring toddlers to concerts. Some people really deserve to be kissed on the face with a piece of heavy mining equipment.  I am referring to all those lousy mothers and fathers who insist on going with young children to concerts that are actually not family concerts.

What is a four year old child doing at an Elephant man concert apart from serving as evidence that its parents brought the child after leaving their brains back at home. That small boy does not know the artists nor will he even remember the events of the day. I am glad these are not my parents and if they were I would be ashamed to say so.   

Let me help you hate by sending your suggestions to thehater2009@gmail.com or a text message to +250 788 545293

The Hater