Profile:A dose of love from Anny Salama a.k.a AS

Anny Salama Murekatete a.k.a AS, is a Love Doctor on City Radio 88.3 FM. She co-presents with Eddie Mwerekande on the program with the wide listenership of “Ijoro ry’urukundo’ literally meaning ‘love night’. During the program, the listeners call in and they talk about their love issues or things that affect their relationships. The program runs from Monday to Wednesday from 9:00 p.m until midnight.

Friday, December 09, 2011
Anny Salama Murekatete.

Anny Salama Murekatete a.k.a AS, is a Love Doctor on City Radio 88.3 FM. She co-presents with Eddie Mwerekande on the program with the wide listenership of "Ijoro ry’urukundo’ literally meaning ‘love night’. During the program, the listeners call in and they talk about their love issues or things that affect their relationships. The program runs from Monday to Wednesday from 9:00 p.m until midnight.

"While growing up, I greatly admired Oprah Winfrey’s shows and always loved being like her. I think one day I will be  like her. I get quite emotional when I watch her shows. It’s nice trying to give hope to people who have lost it,” Murekatete said.

She was born on November 17, 1983 in Nyarugenge Kigali. She attended Camp Kigali Primary school and CIESK before joining Rwanda Tourism University College where she is currently pursuing a Bachelors Degree in Tourism.

She is fourth child amongst five siblings of Simon Kivura and Therese Nyirasoni.

She first became a presenter on Flash FM in 2004 before joining City Radio in 2010. With close to eight years of experience addressing love issues, Murekatete gives tips regarding the current dating sphere.

When asked who should initiate a date, she said: "Although in the Rwandan culture it is considered immoral for the woman to take the first step in initiating a date, I feel it would be okay for anyone take the first step. If you are attracted to someone its better you tell them how you feel.”

She further adds that it everyone’s right to ask the other out if their feelings are genuine.

"It’s important to know one’s motive before you go out on a date with them. This helps because you could not get hurt in the process or waste your time. You can lose credibility if you are seen dating different people,” she advises.

In cases where company policies denounce dating colleagues at work places, Murekatete explains what should be done if caught in the dilemma.

"I have never dated a colleague because in most cases I take them as my brothers, but for people, who fall in love with their coworkers, it’s important to keep it as discreet as possible and it should not affect work productivity because such a relationship could get you fired,” says Murekatete.

She adds that emulating the Western culture will cause many problems for the youth in Rwanda since the parents in that culture freely talk to their children.

"In the Western Cultures, the children are taught how to sexually protect themselves at an early age yet here parents consider such talk as immoral. Therefore if we are to embrace the cohabiting culture, let’s take the initiative to teach the youth about the dangers involving such a commitment and freely talk to them about relationships,” she expresses.

As a person who advises couples regarding relationships, she said: "Every day I get to learn something new about relationships. But it’s sometimes challenging since its greatly based on emotions. For instance someone tells you how they are in love with a person who doesn’t love them back. It’s hard since there is no way you can solve such a problem.”

The joyful and eloquent 28-year-old is not yet married although she is seeing someone.

"I prefer not to say his name (she laughs) he could not be comfortable with his name appearing in the papers,” she expresses.

According to Eddie Mwerekande, her co-presenter, Murekatete is social and an inspiring colleague.

"Co-presenting is challenging but with her kind of style our show flows easily and becomes entertaining. I have not got any issues while working with her,” Mwerekande discloses.