Well, high school dating might seem like a thrilling idea but it’s so not cool. If you are in high school, all your classmates or friends might be dating but that shouldn’t compel you to get into a relationship as well. This, I have learned through experiences of friends that were in high school with me.
Well, high school dating might seem like a thrilling idea but it’s so not cool. If you are in high school, all your classmates or friends might be dating but that shouldn’t compel you to get into a relationship as well. This, I have learned through experiences of friends that were in high school with me.
I was a classmate called Ginah. She was an intelligent and stunning classmate of mine. She was also from a posh family and most definitely got every boy’s attention.
She was also the kind that sought for the attention from the opposite sex regardless of age. Ginah dated quite a number of guys in high school including older men that asked her out during the holidays.
She was so focused on relationships that she gave little attention to her education, thus leading to a drastic decline in her grades.
Ginah started sleeping around with her dates and got pregnant. She was so afraid of her parents’ reaction that she opted for an abortion. She went for an abortion without her parents’ consent.
She had an unsafe abortion that would have cost her life. In order to save her life, her uterus was removed.
Today, she has a Bachelor’s degree and is still the same old gorgeous looking girl with no uterus though.
Her parents still don’t know a thing about her little secret that has thwarted and shattered her dreams of ever having children from her very own womb.
She has declined every marriage proposal because she knows she can’t give birth and her parents are wondering what became of their daughter.
It all started with just a date in high school that ended up into unprotected sex and the loss of her uterus. Well, you might not go through the same experience as Ginah’s but I can promise you that there are so many dire consequences associated with high school dating, including HIV/AIDS, STI’s and emotional trauma.
Most high school relationships don’t last long. They take away one’s academic focus at school and all they can think about is the relationship.
Once one gets married in the future, they are also likely to live with the guilt of having engaged in sexual behavior before marriage.
There is no particular age for one to start dating but it’s always good when one is ready and there is no high school student that is ready to date.