The blind date era

I once went on a blind date after a friend assumed my life was too boring and needed spicing up. Great as the gesture was I felt uncomfortable about being set up with someone as if I could not catch my own fish! However, I went anyway. Two hours, a glass of wine and an endless conversation on my date’s part—about what a very accomplished life he had—later made me wish I could escape through the ladies bathroom window!

Friday, December 09, 2011
Blind dates carry a lot of uncertainities.

I once went on a blind date after a friend assumed my life was too boring and needed spicing up. Great as the gesture was I felt uncomfortable about being set up with someone as if I could not catch my own fish!

However, I went anyway. Two hours, a glass of wine and an endless conversation on my date’s part—about what a very accomplished life he had—later made me wish I could escape through the ladies bathroom window!

Okay, maybe my ordeal wasn’t quite the cherry on the cake but others have had better luck. I’ve never really understood the whole thing, which is probably why I felt the need to go through with it. Honestly, you just never know who or what you are going to meet.

Not that I am a picky person but I would rather hook up with someone I’ve already seen for myself. There are so many disappointments you are bound to find. Catching your own fish means that when you find out it is a rotten one, you have nobody to blame but yourself because there is nothing worse than blaming someone else for your downfall.

What if he/she turns out to be a stalker? I really don’t want to sound pessimistic but optimism is also overrated. Therefore, we have to be cautious just in case. The truth is no real friend can set you up with a psycho but then again, is the word psycho written on his/her forehead.

I guess it’s about luck—the kind that you will find a partner with all the qualities you want and equally willing to start a relationship with you. And in the dating game, luck is pretty much all you need.

It also seems somewhat desperate. Okay as women, our biological clocks are ticking and we have this strange need to be sorted in the relationship area by a certain age. But there is nothing more depressing than being set up with a really great guy then wait by the phone for a second date that has no intention of coming.

I’m not saying blind dates are not worth a try. Try them out by all means if you get the opportunity, just don’t go expecting too much. It makes dealing with the disappointments (if there are any) easier to deal with.

Maybe a tip or two. Do not talk too much. Nothing kills a date like someone talking like a broken record. And don’t be too dull either. Try to balance talking and listening. Do not ask too many questions. Nobody likes going on a date that turns out to be an interrogation of sorts.

Show some courtesy and respect for your date no matter how uncouth you might be. If you are really bored kindly fake an emergency, it works all the time!