Corruption watchdog warns local leaders against graft

The chairperson of Transparency Rwanda, Immaculee Ingabire, has cautioned local leaders in Gicumbi District against soliciting bribes from residents seeking services. Ingabire, who was meeting district leaders, criticised public officials who demand bribes before offering services.

Friday, December 09, 2011
Transparency Rwanda head, Immaculu00e9e Ingabire.

The chairperson of Transparency Rwanda, Immaculee Ingabire, has cautioned local leaders in Gicumbi District against soliciting bribes from residents seeking services.

Ingabire, who was meeting district leaders, criticised public officials who demand bribes before offering services.

The meeting aimed at training local leaders how to render better services.

"There are instances where local leaders demand bribes from residents before handing over documents they are entitled to,” she said, adding that such leaders should be exposed.

The meeting called for more awareness campaigns to sensitise residents about their rights.

Some residents, who spoke to The New Times, argued that although there had been remarkable success in the fight against graft, there were some corrupt local leaders who still deliberately delay to endorse documents.

"I fell victim one time when it took me three months to get documents to put up a commercial house on my plot of land,” one resident who preferred anonymity said.