South African envoy urges Christians to build peace

A FIVE DAY seminar on the role of the Church in building world peace and progress was opened at Kacyiru Baptism Church in Gasabo District.

Wednesday, April 02, 2008

A FIVE DAY seminar on the role of the Church in building world peace and progress was opened at Kacyiru Baptism Church in Gasabo District.

The seminar is being attended by different Pastors from across the country, and will focus on how the church can play a key role in building peace and stability.

It was officially opened on Tuesday by the South African Ambassador to Rwanda, Ezra Msigwela.

Addressing the Pastors, Ambassador Msigwela said the seminar came at a time when Rwandans were embarking on a national mourning week to remember those who died in the 1994 Genocide.

"You are gathered here at a time when the people of Rwanda are going through a moment when they have traumatising memories of what happened during the 1994 genocide. This is a moment when the relevance of Church is challenged," he said.

Explaining the role of the Church in building the society, the South African Ambassador to Rwanda reminded participants of an American theologian, James H.Cone, who said in his book titled "What is the Church?", that Jesus is the only one "who embodies in his person the meaning of mission in the world".

Among the guests was Reverend John Hyphold, from the King of Growing Christian Fellowship Church in Canada.

The Seminar was organized by the Methodist Church of Rwanda.
