Why do you still think about killing innocent people?

Dear editor, Allow me to express my discontent feelings to those people that are still having Genocide ideologies.

Wednesday, April 02, 2008

Dear editor,

Allow me to express my discontent feelings to those people that are still having Genocide ideologies.

The recent killing of survicours in various parts of the country opens our minds to begin thinking that Genocide is still in some people’s mind, and that the perpetrators are determined to carry it on. Take an example where poor Cecilia Mukandoli 73, was murdered on March 27 in Mbuye sector; Ruhango district of the southern province.

Another person who was a student at Bienvenue Rumata of ESI Rubengera in the western province was murdered on the night of March 26. The killings are mostly targeting the Tutsi Genocide survivors. This is very unfortunate

I therefore call the Government to take very strong measures to put an end to these continuous killings of innocent people. And I caution the general public to desist from actions of criminality or face it rough with the government which has vowed to fight it to the end.
