Power! Power! The song today in Harare

Dear editor,Imagine you were in Zimbabwe, how would you be living with the tension of waiting for elections results.

Wednesday, April 02, 2008

Dear editor,

Imagine you were in Zimbabwe, how would you be living with the tension of waiting for elections results.

I would like to tell the people of Zimbabwe to remain calm and do not go for the Kenyan style, as the conditions seem to be pushing them to the same.

It has now become a style for the incumbent presidents to delay and rig elections as the opposition prepare for violence at the same time.

This is extremely bad for any country and there is no where in the world, where violence has resulted into peace. The people of Zimbabwe must allow sanity to prevail for their own good and for the good of their country.

I therefore join the rest of other peace lovers to condemn any kind of violence that may erupt in the country. If they do not (the opposition) or those in power, let them succumb and where necessary let them agree to disagree.

This is the only wisdom that will guide Africans towards a stable continent and complete political change.

We Africans should be guided by the philosophy of oneness, oneness in problems, poverty and development so that we do not remain a western laughing stock.
