8 - 9 DECEMBER 2011 Umubano Hotel INTRODUCTIONThe Rwanda Security Organs (Rwanda Defence Forces, Rwanda National Police & Rwanda Correctional services), the current hosts of the Kigali International Conference Secretariat, are organizing the “Kigali International Conference Annual Review Meeting”. The meeting aimsat sharing experience from different countries in Ending Violence against Women and Girls (VAWG).
8 - 9 DECEMBER 2011 Umubano Hotel
The Rwanda Security Organs (Rwanda Defence Forces, Rwanda National Police & Rwanda Correctional services), the current hosts of the Kigali International Conference Secretariat, are organizing the "Kigali International Conference Annual Review Meeting”.
The meeting aims at sharing experience from different countries in Ending Violence against Women and Girls (VAWG). The meeting will also review the implementation of the Kigali Declaration and forge the way forward for its sustainability. The meeting will also provide a forum for information sharing on achievements made by the coordination secretariat since its inception, challenges
and the way forward.
In the framework of the UN Security Resolution 1325 adopted by the United Nations Security Council on Women, Peace and Security, to address the impact of war and conflict on women and girls;
The UN Secretary-General’s campaign UNiTE to end violence against Women and Girls 2008-2015 calls upon Governments, Civil Society, Women’s Organizations,
Private Sector the Media and the entire United Nations system to join efforts to end violence against women.
Rwanda Security organs in collaboration with One UN Rwanda organized a highlevel International Conference on "The Role of Security Organs in Ending Violence Against Women and Girls” on 26th -27th October 2010 in Kigali-Rwanda.
The conference was organized with an aim of launching the Africa UNiTE campaign in Rwanda. It was also aimed at strengthening partnerships among Security Organs for ending violence against women and girls.
The conference brought together Security personnel from 12 Africa countries including Botswana, Burundi, Central Africa Republic (CAR), Chad, Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), Ethiopia, Gabon, Ghana, Nigeria, Rwanda, Uganda
and Zambia. Other participants included representatives from Rwanda government, One UN Rwanda and other International Development partners and the Civil Society.
As a result of the International Conference, the Kigali Declaration was adopted by 12 countries and subsequently a Coordination Secretariat was established.
Later in June 2011 during the workshop organized and hosted by the Rwanda Security Forces – hosts of the KIC Secretariat, other two countries showed interest in signing the Kigali Declaration. These were Kenya and Tanzania.
Tanzania has already signed the Declaration hence the number of signatory countries increased to 13.
The Secretariat specific responsibilities include among others;
To spearhead
• the strategic planning process for the implementation of the Kigali Declaration.
• To solicit and coordinate resource mobilization for capacity building programs, research and documentation on
the actual situation of causes and best practices in prevention and response to violence against women and girls across Africa region, Training Manual
development and sponsor forums.
• Enhance the participation of security organs in combating violence against women and girls during peace keeping
• In order to enhance the participation of security organs in combating violence against women and girls during peace keeping missions, the KIC secretariat organised and hosted workshop "Africa region security Organs Capacity
Building Workshop on violence against Women and Girls; prevention, response and peacekeeping”. It was held in Rwanda – 20th – 24th June 2011.
• A KIC secretariat action plan was developed
• A draft of a generic training manual
developed, planning to put it in a designed
• Planning to host an annual review
meeting in December 2011.
To share Rwanda’s successful initiatives in Ending Violence Against Women and Girls.
1. To provide on the progress made in the implementation of the Kigali Declaration by signatory countries in the
framework of Africa campaign UNiTE to End Violence Against Women and Girls.
2. To share country specific experience and best experiences in combating GBV in the framework of the global campaign UNiTE to end Violence Against Women and Girls.
3. Share achievements of the Kigali International Conference (KIC) Secretariat since its inception.
4. To share country specific interventions during the 16 Days of Activism.
5. To identify the country that will host the next KIC Annual General Meeting.
6. Review the draft Africa security organs capacity building Generic training manual on Gender based violence.
7. To approve and adopt the KIC Strategic Plan 2011 – 2015.
The two-day meeting will bring together participants from the 13 Countries that are signatory to Kigali Declaration.
For purposes of taking high decisions during the Conference, each Country will be represented by two participants, one representing the Chief of Police and the second will be the KIC Focal point.
The specific signatory countries are – Botswana, Burundi, Central Africa Republic (CAR), Chad, DRC Congo, Ethiopia, Gabon, Ghana, Nigeria, Rwanda, Uganda Zambia and Tanzania.
Kenya, Sudan, South Sudan, Ivory Coast and Eritrea have also been invited to attend the meeting.
The meeting will engage high level government officials, heads of key gender machineries, One UN in Rwanda, international and National agencies.
This meeting has strategically been planned to coincide with the 16 days of Gender Activism to reinforce the role and joint effort of security organs with other actors in
demonstrating their commitment to end violence against women.
The member Countries are expected to present on status of implementation of Kigali Declaration in the frame work of
ending violence against women and girls as well as country specific interventions during the 16 Days of Activism.
This will also include challenges and proposals for improvement.
The meeting will be conducted in English.
Simultaneous interpretation to French will be available for the duration of the meeting.
The conference will take place in Kigali on 8th -9th December 2011. The meeting venue is Umubano Hotel.
The meeting is being organized by the Rwanda Security Organs, the current host of the KIC Secretariat Coordination Team.
Web: www.police.gov.rw and www.kicgenderconference.org
Coordinator, KIC Secretariat
Tel.+250 0788 311 303, Email: dgatare@yahoo.com
Executive Secretary, KIC Secretariat
Tel. +250 0788311743, Email: mure_sha@hotmail.com