Gatsibo women encouraged to work with micro-finance institutions

GATSIBO-Women in Gatsibo District have been called upon to work with micro-finance institutions in their quest for development. The call was made by the district mayor, Ambrose Ruboneza, during a one-day workshop on investment.

Sunday, December 04, 2011

GATSIBO-Women in Gatsibo District have been called upon to work with micro-finance institutions in their quest for development.

The call was made by the district mayor, Ambrose Ruboneza, during a one-day workshop on investment.

The workshop was organized by Rwanda Private Sector Federation’s Women chamber.

The Mayor said that promoting public private partnership (PPP) especially women participating in various investment opportunities, will rapidly spur the district’s development.

"Women should join the race and start investments… but this will be achieved by working with banks and other micro finance institutions,” he said.

However, participants complained of the lack of accurate service delivery by some banks which delays their investments.

"We design project proposals and present them to banks but the banks delay to give us responses which is the main issue that discourages our investments. It also makes us incur losses,” said Verediyana Mukarugwiza, a local investor in Muhura sector.

In response, Immy Kamaradi, PSF head of Women chamber said that the body is aware of the issue but assured participants that they signed a memorandum of understanding with financial institutions to fund the projects.

"For instance, we signed MoU with Kenya Commercial Bank to fund women projects. These banks will come close to you and work with you effectively,” Kamaradi said.
