Secret life… Jane Ingabire Butera

Jane Ingabire Butera a.k.a Knowless, is a local R&B/pop music star. Butera says that it’s all through the Almighty and her fans that she is where she is in the music industry.

Saturday, December 03, 2011

Jane Ingabire Butera a.k.a Knowless, is a local R&B/pop music star. Butera says that it’s all through the Almighty and her fans that she is where she is in the music industry.

Below she tells us more about herself:

The first thing you do in the morning
I pray, before anything else.

When are you happiest?
Every morning because God enables me to see a new day

Greatest fear
Disappointing my fans

Childhood memory
The loss of my mum when I was 3 years old

 What keeps you awake at night?  
I never have such moments

The most important thing life has taught you
People should treat others the way they want to be treated.

Greatest achievement
It`s what am still working on
During your free time       
I hang out with friends

Retirement plans.
For sure, I have not thought of that yet.