I hate people who…

…think it is my job to memorise things for them.  Just when I thought I had had my fair share of annoying people, I came across others whose brains were on an endless vacation. I am talking about the jokers who expect you to do their job yet you will not share the salary with them.

Saturday, December 03, 2011

…think it is my job to memorise things for them.

Just when I thought I had had my fair share of annoying people, I came across others whose brains were on an endless vacation. I am talking about the jokers who expect you to do their job yet you will not share the salary with them.

Don’t you just hate the waiters/waitresses who, after a meal resort to asking you what you ate? I thought I came here to address my hunger not to memorise whether it was peas or beans on my plate. That is your job and if you cannot remember then you need to find a job that does not require any mental skills. 

…text me when they are bored.

These ones actually deserve to be served an arrest warrant by the ICC for disturbing world peace. I hate all those with the sickening habit of texting me when you are bored. It is not my job to entertain you since my job description says hating not entertaining. Some are actually ex-girlfriends whose names I cannot even remember. Please, do not text me if you belong in my history. If you are bored and you want some entertainment, switch on the TV and watch some cartoons. Just don’t think of texting me or calling me because I may end up insulting your ancestors just before I insult you. And that is not a threat.

…only remember to talk to me when they need a favour.

I had initially left this particular area blank because the anger in my heart could not allow me to think of any publishable words to describe these jokers. Yes, you know the kind of guys that never call you unless they want to borrow some money from you or to ask you to assist them in some way.

If you do not bother to call and see whether I am fine, what makes you think I suddenly have 10, 000 francs to lend you? And if you cannot call during good times, should I be a fool to expect you to call me when you owe me money? The Hater is much smarter than that.  

…use lousy tricks hoping to dodge paying their rent.

Sincerely speaking, some of these people should never be allowed to procreate just so that they don’t spread their stupidity to their offspring. Of course I am talking about all those inexperienced thinkers who assume that by leaving their homes early in the morning and returning late in the night the landlord/lady will simply forget about the rent money.

I don’t even think there is a more boring joke than this amateur circus. One of these days you will find a new padlock on your door! If you continue dodging your rent responsibilities, you may end up in jail (1930) where there are no bills but enough misery to restart your frozen brain.  

…become defensive when their mistakes are pointed out.

Now these ones deserve to be run over by a speeding bus for keeping their brains idle. I hate it when I point out someone’s mistake and all they can think of is to remind me that to err is human. As if I did not already know that. If you have made a mistake, accept it, learn from it, and move on. It is so annoying when you try to defend your mistakes. Since when did mistakes or stupidity become an asset worth defending? When I think of these people I just know that some people need free mental checkups so that they can be taken to where they belong in a mental hospital away from thinkers like The Hater.

Let me help you hate by sending your suggestions to thehater2009@gmail.com or a text message to +250 788 545293