Making the difference

Fallen singing sensation Michael Jackson told us in his song Man in the Mirror that if we wanted to make the world a better place, all we had to do was look at ourselves and then make the change. A very inspiring song I must add. But other than enjoying this masterpiece, how many people took his message seriously?

Saturday, December 03, 2011

Fallen singing sensation Michael Jackson told us in his song Man in the Mirror that if we wanted to make the world a better place, all we had to do was look at ourselves and then make the change.

A very inspiring song I must add. But other than enjoying this masterpiece, how many people took his message seriously?

Every time you flip through the television channels, something atrocious or saddening is happening somewhere in the world. For how long will people turn a deaf ear or act like it doesn’t concern us all? Even though we are in denial, we are aware of the social, environmental, physical and spiritual destruction that penetrates our day to day lives.

Albert Einstein was quoted once saying, "The world is a dangerous place to live not because of the evil people in it but because of the people who don’t do anything about it.” In other words, there are two kinds of people in the world; people who do evil things and people who see evil things being done and don’t do anything about it.

We have funny ways of dealing with the knowledge that the world is anything but perfect.  Some look the other way telling themselves that if they don’t see the homeless kid on the street then he’s not actually there. Some pretend it doesn’t exist, like really who would kill a child? Others convince themselves that it is not really their problem. For example if those people in the Middle East want to kill each other then let them. We are in Africa so it doesn’t concern us!

I think that our biggest problem now is negative energy. Some people choose to think that there is no hope and that fate is fate. Says who? It’s not over till the big guy up there sings so while he is still getting prepared why don’t we try? How will we ever know things can be better if we do not try? That’s right; we are too busy perfecting our own lives to care about anyone else. It’s a tough world they say.

Making the difference should start with you. You don’t have to donate your entire savings and everything you own to charity. Just participate wherever you can. Take action and people will follow. Most people are afraid to take the initiative even when there is a problem they could probably have a solution to.

It’s about taking risks and being visible without worrying about looking foolish. Suggest a possible course of action however ridiculous it sounds and do it. Some will follow, some will object but apathy dissipates. Just be sure to steer clear of negative energy. There will always be someone ridiculing you for adopting an HIV infected orphan no matter how great a deed everyone else says it is.

It’s not enough to just nod our heads in grief every time we hear of something sad. We can all do something to help and we don’t need to have the bank accounts of Bill Gates or Oprah Winfrey to do it. Start with the clothes in your closet you no longer even look at and donate to charity. Give the blind woman on the street some money instead of robbing what has already been given to her. People actually do that!

It is small things like these that make the difference. And as long as you are making the right difference, good Samaritans will always be there to lend a hand.