The Spa business

With increased business opportunities in Rwanda, people are spending sleepless nights thinking of how to make more money. This explains the mushrooming businesses in and out of the city.  Before setting up a business different factors are considered.

Friday, December 02, 2011
Alex Kigondu, Maisha Health Club and Spa Manager at Kigali Serena Hotel. Courtesy Photo

With increased business opportunities in Rwanda, people are spending sleepless nights thinking of how to make more money. This explains the mushrooming businesses in and out of the city.

Before setting up a business different factors are considered.

According to Alex Kigondu, Maisha Health Club and Spa Manager at Kigali Serena Hotel, the spa business has  been evolving over time. "With my 17 years experience in this health and beauty industry, I must say that people are benefitting from these services, which never existed here before”.

Just as it isn’t easy to start any business, small or big, and the spa business isnt any different. It is an expensive undertaking; proper equipment, skilled employees, and enough space to suit the different activities are among several requirements needed to get a spa off the ground."It costs approximately US$200,000 to start a spa that is up to international standards”, Kigondu says. 

There are different services offered in spas and these include among others jacuzzi baths, saunas, steam baths and yoga.  All these facilities and activities help to keep the body healthy, in shape and beautiful..

"Our clients mostly comprise of the middle class, and are usually above 30 years of age. I must say that Rwandans are well informed about beauty and taking good care of their bodies. They take time to work out and those who cannot afford to pay for these services sometimes try it out at home,” explains Kigondu.

The secret to getting clients is to simply offer them services that exceed their expectation; do this and  and you definitely have them hooked. A customer is the boss in any business, they determine the survival of the business and it is therefore crucial that you have qualified staff.

"Training is offered to our employees in the different sections ranging from the beauticians, masseuses and those who instruct aerobics. This is done to give quality services to our customers,” says Kigondu.

Discounts are also given to, for example, government officials and members of the local diplomatic corps; they enjoy a 20 percent discount on Maisha Spa services. There is also a discount for those who will register between now and 31st December, 2011.

"Market is readily available for anyone planning to get into this business; on a good day, we get about 100 or more clients and on a bad day, we get from 80 to 90 clients on average,” discloses Kigondu.

 It takes determination and hard work for any spa to make business-sense. But it is lucrative if done right; is it something you wish to try?