Bugarama natural hot tub

The Nyakabuye hot springs or Bugarama hot springs are situated about 60 km from Cyangugu town. The hot springs lie at the base of a limestone quarry, a couple of km from the Cimerwa cement factory.  The springs bubble up into a large green pool that looks at first a bit disappointing. However when you walk around the pool and go to the main springs, that bubble into the pool, it gets better to see this amazing creation of nature.

Friday, December 02, 2011
Some locals at a hot spring, in Gisenyi. The New Times / File

The Nyakabuye hot springs or Bugarama hot springs are situated about 60 km from Cyangugu town. The hot springs lie at the base of a limestone quarry, a couple of km from the Cimerwa cement factory.  The springs bubble up into a large green pool that looks at first a bit disappointing. However when you walk around the pool and go to the main springs, that bubble into the pool, it gets better to see this amazing creation of nature.

However, this hot spring is more than just optical nutrition; it is believed that the water cures a variety of ailments.

Pascaline Dusabe, 33 years, a resident of Nyakabuye says that throughout in her lifetime, the hot spring waters have cured her of many illnesses ranging from wounds, skin rashes, and joint pains to headaches.

"I have seen many people healed by this hot spring,” Dusabe says.

 Mende, a 66-year-old resident of Cyangugu says that though he believes that the hot spring waters can cure.

"It also takes faith and belief in its healing powers for it to work on you,’ he says.

Taking a bath in the ‘magic waters’, as the inhabitant call it, improves skin circulation by dilating the superficial arteries, which improves blood circulation. As anyone who has ever relaxed in a warm bath knows, the heat also relaxes muscles, thereby easing joint pain.

High sulfur levels in the water serve as a tranquilizer for the respiratory system, making breathing easier. Some visitors drink the water, but only after it cools.

The hot springs attracts many people to witness the curing water that burbles from the ground. If you visit this place, you will certainly go back satisfied about its presence and healing powers but the question remains: how did this hot spring come about?

Many such natural wonders are a result of geological processes, which are also responsible for the formation of other landforms like mountains and rift valleys.

According to Jules Jambo, a local who stays about two kilometers away from the hot springs, "the hot water is not as result of tectonic forces but it is God sent water to treat His people.”

Of course, you can forgive Jambo for not knowing the existence of other hot springs with curative waters, which people have also testified about.

Elsewhere in the world, you might have heard of the Cascade spring in South Dakota, Mammoth springs, Arkansas hot springs, Cottonwood hot springs in Colorado, and Pagosa springs also in Colorado to mention but a few, all with healing waters.

These springs have been found to have varying minerals and chemicals, which have medicinal values in them. They include sodium chloride, potassium chloride, lithium sulphate, calcium sulphate, calcium phosphate and magnesium chloride among others.

Located amid a thicket and thick undergrowth, the open air of the springs is a welcome relief. Although some may be used to it, it can be overwhelming for others. Next time you visit Cyangungu, you can see hot springs in their natural state and do not forget to take a bathing suit with you.
