People and their true colours during the memorial week

Dear editor, Allow me, through your good paper, to expose some of the activities done by people who marginalize and actually do not respect the Genocide memorial week in Rwanda.

Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Dear editor,

Allow me, through your good paper, to expose some of the activities done by people who marginalize and actually do not respect the Genocide memorial week in Rwanda.

They behave in many strange ways but I cannot be able to highlight them all and in any case most of them are known to all of us.

There are some other small behaviours that exist and are hidden in a way and people should know some of them so that they are not left in confusion of up coming coincidences.

These are the people that will first of all go to bars all days to avoid watching genocide films, they will also be seen in sports activities that they never do during other days and will above all plan for trips and journeys that are either part of their usual business work or social visits or any other thing they wish to do which is not real our concern.

Journeys have now been planned well in advance and you will see people boarding for holidays out side Rwanda until the end of the memorial days. For sure this kind of behavior should be changing as we enter into another era where hatred turns history.

You only expose your backwardness and ignorance when you are overtaken by changes and events and I wouldn’t like to see any Rwandan who still swims in the abandoned water.
