Please give MTN a chance!

Dear editor, I am one person whose business cannot be successful without making a phone call. I am a foreigner working in Rwanda and I have to call back home to check on my children every now and then.

Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Dear editor,

I am one person whose business cannot be successful without making a phone call. I am a foreigner working in Rwanda and I have to call back home to check on my children every now and then.

Sincerely, without communication, my life and daily activities would really be unpleasant. Well, we all know that our only almighty telecom company, MTN, has had a network problem for some time and we are not enjoying the setback at all.

Thank you so much for raising the concern on behalf of the general public or say for MTN subscribers. I recently read a letter from Charles Gatete and then an editorial on Friday.

Gatete sounded so much frustrated like everyone would be. Surprisingly but interesting, your editorial gave us bits on all positive things MTN had done.

It reminds me of a saying that: "You will do 99 good things but when the 100th is bad or negative all the 99 get forgotten.”

This, could be loosely translated as, people will never appreciate whatever you do and usually pay less attention to positive attitudes and services offered but will strongly harass and blame you simply for a single mistake or failure.

Dear editor, we shouldn’t, forget the natural problems MTN is facing and rely on over blaming the company as if it doesn’t want to make money itself.

I gather the company has been in the country for close to 10 years, and this is the first time that a network problem arises. Let’s give them benefit of doubt that they are working tirelessly to rectify their problem.

I believe MTN is purely a profit oriented company. As a reputable company, I believe, it doesn’t make any sense to sit and oversee a company register losses.

So, should we say MTN is happy losing money when no one is making phone calls? I guess no. Let us be honest and easy going.

MTN will deliver to its maximum. At least it has not frustrated us like other Telecoms, who we don’t think do exist other than, brand names on billboards.

I have heard the Rwandese say, "Twihangane”. Let us wait, I am sure and I trust MTN is not reluctant. And we need to be supportive because at the end of the day, we all benefit.

Moreover it is the best responsible company we have so far. Just see what they contribute in the country. Minister Murenzi can bare me witness. Thank you.
