Sorry Chelsea fans

Dear editor, I would like to pass my consolation words through your paper to my fellow friends and fans of Chelsea team. We have been having a very long and bad season after the departure of our instrumental self styled manager José Murihno. Our only problem has been lack of a good coach.

Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Dear editor,

I would like to pass my consolation words through your paper to my fellow friends and fans of Chelsea team. We have been having a very long and bad season after the departure of our instrumental self styled manager José Murihno. Our only problem has been lack of a good coach.

The one we have has actually been a great man who is in a wrong position and this has been proved by his lack of enthusiasm generally in foot ball.

Check him when his team wins, he doesn’t even smile, yet smiling at that moment is only a reflex action. So if reflex cannot activate happiness in him, what else do you expect to pull him further into the world of soccer?

Nonetheless our team has shown great talents through massive wins recently and our hopes are still alive and only waiting for Abromavich to come to reality.

It should not surprise any body to see that teams like Manchester United are now in great panic as we come closer to them day and night, and be assured that they cannot now beat us if we meet, unless the referee goes against us as it happened the other time.

Fellow fans and lovers of football, Chelsea is going to please you in your wife as far as soccer is concerned, so please enjoy the rest of the leagues.

Chelsea Fan,
