Students urged to abstain from sex

EASTERN PROVINCE BUGESERA — At least 40 students from ten schools across Bugesera district on Monday started three-day seminar on HAV/Aids prevention organised by World Relief Rwanda. The students were drawn from 10 private and government schools across in Bugesera district.

Tuesday, April 01, 2008


BUGESERA — At least 40 students from ten schools across Bugesera district on Monday started three-day seminar on HAV/Aids prevention organised by World Relief Rwanda. The students were drawn from 10 private and government schools across in Bugesera district.

According to the World Relief Rwanda coordinator, the seminar started on 31-03-2008 and it will end on 2nd -03-200.

Eric Nzamwita, the area coordinator said the seminar emphasizes abstinence as the best tool to avoid Aids. The schools include; Nyamata High School, APEBU, ESKA Kanzenze, E.T.O Nyamata, Group Scholaire Rilima, ESI Rago-Ngenda, APED Ngenda, ESI Musenyi, ESI Kamabuye and ASPEGA Gashora. At least four students were drawn from anti-AIDS clubs in each of the selected schools.

"Our aim is to pass our message to the students through their representatives. I am sure these students can act as better conduits rather than the organisation,” Nzamwita said.

During the event different preventive mechanisms will be discussed, according to Nzamwita. The topics include: how to overcome peer influence, the influence of alcohol in sex related issues among others.

Opening the workshop, Israel Rwigema in charge of education in Bugesera district urged participants to disseminate the message to their fellow students at the end of the training.

"Let me hope that what you are going to achieve in this seminar will be disseminated to your fellow students through your respective clubs. Since you have decided to use your holiday time to attend this seminar I believe you will take the message serious,” Rwigema said.
