Why Gakenke district leaders were sacked

NORTHERN PROVINCE GAKENKE — The District Advisory Council, using the powers entrusted  upon, it last week fired the district Mayor, Epophrodite Mugemangango and two of his deputies; Winifred Nyirihirwe, in charge of social affairs, and Joseph Karekezi the vice mayor in charge of economic development.

Tuesday, April 01, 2008


GAKENKE — The District Advisory Council, using the powers entrusted  upon, it last week fired the district Mayor, Epophrodite Mugemangango and two of his deputies; Winifred Nyirihirwe, in charge of social affairs, and Joseph Karekezi the vice mayor in charge of economic development.

According to a report signed by the 28-member council the three district top leaders were accused of harbouring and failing to avert genocide ideology in the district, neglect of responsibilities and mismanagement of the district funds.

However, The New Times area correspondent gathered views from residents and district officials; they indicate several reasons that led to the sacking of the officials. Cases pinning the Mayor included speeches portraying double genocide which he made in April 2007.

He reportedly said that those who were killed by the infiltrators in 1997 should be reburied because they died as a result of genocide. These statements were seen by residents of Nemba and Mataba sectors as downplaying the Genocide.

In another incident in the same year Mugemangango ordered for transfer and reinstatement of Charles Kamanzi, a teacher who had been fired at Kivune Secondary School, Janja sector over genocide ideology.

On 8th/april/ 2007, during the genocide anniversary, the Mayor allegedly convened a meeting at Nkundaburezi Primary School but barred the sector Executive Secretary from attending it.

He was also accused of sanctioning the recruitment of people without the required academic qualifications against the advice of the advisory council.

A report obtained from the district cites the district finance director, the Executive Secretary of Janja sector, and the district director of infrastructure as some of the staff recruited against the council’s decision. On many occasions, he is said to have withheld information about certain activities in the district.

According to the report, he withheld information about a visit to the district  by the Chief of the General staff, Gen. James Kabarebe and the opening of a new pharmacy in Nemba sector by the Minister of Health. He was also accused of failing to disseminate the council’s resolutions to the Sectors.

The former Mayor was also accused of deliberately distorting some of the government policies; for instance, he wrongly ordered residents to uproot the indigenous banana plants to make terraces, which created discontent among residents in Mugunga and Nemba Sectors.

Several factors that led to the sacking of the vice Mayor in charge of economic development, Joseph Karekezi, included the lack of a defined plan on how the district could generate internal revenues, failure to make financial reports, and breaching tendering procedures.

He was blamed for failing to pay residents who made terraces in Kamubuga sector yet the money was available.  The activities of the Belgian Technical Corporation [CTB] in Gakenke were slowed down reportedly due his negligence.

Karekezi failed to integrate the private sector in developing the district. He failed to draw clear plans for constructing new district offices. Rusasa and Kamubuga sectors have no offices yet money had been allocated towards the construction.

While the vice mayor in charge of social affairs Winfred Nyirihirwe was sacked for failing to duly attend to district affairs by allocating more time to her personal business.

The district failed to form a cultural troupe–Itorero- a football club, while youth and women councils were neglected yet they fell under her docket. Other factors include: the appalling state of public toilets and general sanitation.

She failed to organise meetings between the district, teachers and medical officials to harmonise working relations. The issue of Mutuelle de sante [health insurance], houses of the Genocide survivors all failed to pick up.

Amidst the accusations, they reportedly failed on different occasions to heed the advice of the provincial Gov. Boniface Rucagu, and that of the commander of the RDF second division, Alex Kagame to correct things. 
