Tell Chaka...

If you read last Tuesday’s Children Times Magazine, it talked about having a pet as a friend. Today we are going to talk about how and when to keep our teeth clean.

Tuesday, April 01, 2008

If you read last Tuesday’s Children Times Magazine, it talked about having a pet as a friend. Today we are going to talk about how and when to keep our teeth clean.

Chaka: With me, is Nadine. Could you please tell us your full names?

Nadine: My names are Atete Nadine.

Chaka: Were do you go to school?

Nadine: I go to ‘la fraternity’ nursery school?

Chaka: Tell me, do you brush your teeth?

Nadine: Yes …

Chaka: If you do not mind, can you show them to me.

Chaka: Eh… What happened to your teeth Nadine?

Nadine: (Opens her mouth wide) they got spoilt.

Chaka: Spoilt, with out.

Nadine: With sweets.

Chaka: You mean sweets can spoil out teeth.

Nadine: Yes…When you eat a lot of them.

Chaka: How many did you eat that spoilt your good teeth?

Nadine: I can’t count; I used to eat a lot of them.

Chaka: Do you still use many sweets as always?

Nadine: No, my parents no longer give me money for sweets.

Chaka: Do you still like eating sweets?

Nadine: Yes…but I fear that my remaining teeth can also be spoilt.

Chaka: Really …!

Nadine: Yes…

Chaka: Ok tell me, do you brush your teeth?

Nadine: Yes…

Chaka: When do you brush your teeth?

Nadine: Every morning.

Chaka: You mean there’s no any other time you brush your teeth?

Nadine: No, I only brush when I go to school.

Chaka: fine, Nadine How many teeth do you have in your mouth.

Nadine: I do not know!

Chaka: Ha! Ha! You have some missing teeth, what happened?

Nadine: They got off them selves.

Chaka: Ha …interesting, how many of them got removed.

Nadine: Two.

Chaka: I am so sorry, but they are growing, keep waiting they will grow big.

Nadine: Laughs.

Chaka: Thanks very much for your time. Happy holidays Nadine.

Nadine: Thank you.


Dear children I think you have heard from our friend Nadine. Our teeth are sensitive to sweets. Sweets can spoil our teeth if we eat a lot of them.

Our teeth also need to be brushed at least two times a day, to keep them clean and free from germs which can spoil them. It’s holiday time; take care of your teeth!