Members of the parliamentary Public Accounts Committee (PAC), on Friday, said that it was unacceptable to divert public funds earmarked for specific activities. Parliamentarians who are currently scrutinizing the Auditor General’s report of 2009/10, were perturbed by the fact that the Rwanda Bureau of Standards diverted over Rwf 52 million to finance the rehabilitation of a warehouse to accommodate a mycotoxin laboratory.  Another case was noted in Gatsibo District where over Rwf110 million was also diverted.

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Members of the parliamentary Public Accounts Committee (PAC), on Friday, said that it was unacceptable to divert public funds earmarked for specific activities.

Parliamentarians who are currently scrutinizing the Auditor General’s report of 2009/10, were perturbed by the fact that the Rwanda Bureau of Standards diverted over Rwf 52 million to finance the rehabilitation of a warehouse to accommodate a mycotoxin laboratory.  Another case was noted in Gatsibo District where over Rwf110 million was also diverted.

Whereas diversion may not translate into embezzlement of public funds, it creates room for suspicion. At the same time, delays and sub- standard work may result from such actions. And as the lawmakers noted, by not following laid down procedure in the use of public finances, room is created that can be exploited by unscrupulous individuals to misappropriate funds. Sticking to procedure is yet another way of ensuring zero tolerance for corruption.

It is also important that those in charge of managing public finances in various government departments are sensitized about the importance of following the right procedures when spending public funds. Refresher training is also vital in ensuring that people handling public finds are competent.

Otherwise, it is important that stern actions are taken when such diversions occur. In any case, if there are urgent financing requirements in any public sector, it is important that supplementary funding is requisitioned from relevant sources rather than improperly diverting funds.
