The holy pilgrimage; a dream for every Muslim

Any devout muslim, wishes that one day in their lives, they make that special pilgrimage to Mecca, known at Hajji. It is a promised land to may. This year, 120 Muslims from Burundi and Rwanda, got the chance to make the historic pilgrimage.

Saturday, November 26, 2011
Some of the Muslims who recently return from Mecca. The New Times / John Mbanda

Any devout muslim, wishes that one day in their lives, they make that special pilgrimage to Mecca, known at Hajji. It is a promised land to may.

This year, 120 Muslims from Burundi and Rwanda, got the chance to make the historic pilgrimage.

Before departing for Mecca, members of the Muslim community converged at the Islamic Culture Centre in Nyamirambo to bless their journey.

It was an exciting moment. However, some members though happy for the lucky pilgrims, were unable to make it because of financial constraints.

"I wish I could also afford to go for this visit, this would have been a landmark in my life especially as it is one decree any rightful Muslim should fulfill,” Safi Rutaremara lamented to Sunday Times as his friends prepared to leave for Mecca.

The 25 year old said he is a devoted Muslim adding that he will continue praying to Allah until may be by miracle, he is able to make it.

This year, it cost each member US$ 2,950 (Rwf1, 755,250) to go for the pilgrimage. Rutaremara says that although he hasn’t lost hope, he has never come across such an amount of money in his life. And he doesn’t expect to get that money any time soon.  Last week, the pilgrims came back after spending about three weeks in Saudi Arabia. Many who talked to Sunday Times, say that the trip is worth the trouble they go through to raise the money.

"When you get there, you realise there is a big change in your life considering the faith one develops, especially after witnessing things you have been hearing and reading about.” says Hajjat Zamzam Kalume.

Just like Rutaremara, Zamzam says that she also at one time thought she would never make the pilgrimage. However she continued planning how she could make it possible and decided to save money for a long time.

"It is not an easy move and at one time, it may appear impossible to some people, but the most important thing is to make sure you have it in mind so that you make strategies that will enable your dreams come true,” Zamzam says.

Hajji, Isaac Munyakazi says that the pilgrimage to make helped hi repent his sins and start a new chapter in his life.

"We believe that when in that place, we are near Allah and what ever we ask him, our prayers are answered, therefore it’s from that back ground that each one of us comes back holly in every aspect of life.”

The Muslim community organized an event to welcome the pilgrims were their leaders addressed the.  

The Kigali City Imam, Yunsu Musumba, talked about the important responsibilities that come with being a devoted Muslim especially at the level of Hajji or Hajjat

"When you go against the Islamic principles or engage in any other illegal activities, the public will not judge you as an individual. Instead, Islam will be criticised since you are Hajat or Hajji,” Musumba said.

He explained that a successful pilgrimage should impact pilgrims not only to live up to the Islamic virtues, but also to play a significant role in building the religion.

The Imam called upon Muslims to work hard and save so that they can also make that important pilgrimage.
