Neighbour Diaries: Samantha

Every cloud has a silver lining. On the other side of the coin, every good thing has a catch to it. There is nothing that is absolutely free. I have learnt that every time I get something good, there is always something about it that I have to pay for in return. And with this mentality, I searched this girl Samantha for a flaw, finding her too good to be true.

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Every cloud has a silver lining. On the other side of the coin, every good thing has a catch to it. There is nothing that is absolutely free. I have learnt that every time I get something good, there is always something about it that I have to pay for in return. And with this mentality, I searched this girl Samantha for a flaw, finding her too good to be true.

And, like I expected, I found the reason; her ex-boyfriend. Yep, the guy is a nut case and he wants her back badly. Talk of appreciating things after you lose them. It makes sense; there is no way a girl this good could be single, no way! So, it didn’t come with much surprise when, just one week after getting to know Miss Mesmerizing, a man claiming to be her "boyfriend” called me and warned me to stay away from his woman.

Well, for a moment, I had some confusion, because besides Jojo, there are quite a number of females in my life. So, I didn’t know which one he was actually referring to. So, I asked him to be specific. And specific indeed, he did get. Becoming suddenly very aggressive, he shouted into the phone "stay away from Samantha!! ", and then he hang up! Well, besides wondering how he had even got to know about me, and how he had got my phone number, I was also asking myself if I was safe at all. The guy sounded positively insane.

Asking Samantha, she confirmed it. David, that’s her ex, while not being exactly clinically certified as insane, was suffering from a serious overdose of possessiveness. The very same reason that had made their relationship fail in the first place. The very same reason why she wasn’t seeing any one; because David kept scaring them off! David had made their relationship a maximum security prison, because of his extreme possessiveness, and when she broke up with him, he seemed to have made it his life mission that if he couldn’t have her, no one else could.

And for three years, he had managed to keep men away from her, through intimidation to downright scaring them. Now, it was me in his focus. Honestly, I couldn’t understand how he expected men to stay away from a girl like Samantha; the girl attracted men like nectar attracts bees, and it was one of her daily chores to turn down men’s proposals. Not that she had even accepted my particular proposal yet, anyway.

But, I wasn’t letting her ex-boyfriend bully me, nope. Samantha was too good a catch to let go just like that. When I asked her about him, she got really sad, and said she preferred not to talk about it and that if I no longer wanted to talk to her, she would understand and respect my decision. She needn’t have worried about that; there was no way any guy was going to keep me from her, with just a few threats.

I have been through much worse, I wasn’t about to start running off just because some guy had somehow got my number and called me. But, later, I realized that actually, other guys had very good reason to run. The guy is a monster, and like my first suspicions, he must be totally mad!

Two days later, he called me again and told me that since I had not heeded his warning, he was going to step it up to the next level. I didn’t know and didn’t care what his "next level” meant, and I immediately forgot about his phone call. I had decided not to tell Samantha anymore about the phone calls, because the first time I did, it totally spoilt her mood.

And it was like watching a brilliant bulb go dim. So I decided to handle Mr. Ex-bf on my own. And for three days, I have gone to bed wondering how any girl could be this lovely. Jojo, my girlfriend, in the meantime, must have been taking notes because today morning, she asked me about Samantha. Now, I had real reason to get scared!
