Aunt’s corner

Dear Aunt Silvia, I am a young educated girl. I have been in love with a man for almost five years and I have always believed that he loved me too. I went outside the country for my Master’s degree only to come back last month and find him already married, yet I thought this was the man who was to walk me down the aisle. I feel cheated by this man, and I feel that I have a right to get an explanation from him, and maybe even tell his wife about the kind of man he is married to.Alexia

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Dear Aunt Silvia,
I am a young educated girl. I have been in love with a man for almost five years and I have always believed that he loved me too. I went outside the country for my Master’s degree only to come back last month and find him already married, yet I thought this was the man who was to walk me down the aisle. I feel cheated by this man, and I feel that I have a right to get an explanation from him, and maybe even tell his wife about the kind of man he is married to.

Dear Alexia,
What happened to you is unfortunate, but you should know that you are not the first girl to be duped by a man. Well, guess what? There are a thousand and maybe even a million cases of your kind. Thank your lucky stars that you were not dumped plus a baby, because as far as a baby is concerned you speak a different language all together.
If you ask me, I will tell you that you have lost nothing -neither have you anything to lose. At least you have nothing to remind you of this selfish and mean man. Why should an educated woman like you be frustrated because of a man? There are so many young men equally educated like yourself and believe you me, they will drop everything at your feet just to be with your kind of girl.
The best thing to do is to forget this man who is not even worth the sole of your shoe. Also, if you try talking to him, you will look so desperate. Girl, let me tell you something here, it does not matter how much you love a person, never show them even once that you cannot live wit
hout them, or they will make you hang by the thread of their clothes.

You should not act desperate at any given time because a man has left you- there are so many fish in the sea, depending on the tide, you will find your big fish (so to speak) one lucky day.
If you go to his wife, you will be breaking somebody’s home. And despite the fact that he cheated you, to marry another woman- his wife is an innocent party in this whole saga. Believe you me inflicting pain on an innocent person does not pay, if you put yourself in her shoes, you will not want anyone to treat you like so.
Get up and about and visit social places like never before. You can go to the stadium to watch a ball game, coffee houses and even church, where you will meet people of your kind and get acquainted to some, who may eventually become your friends and you never know what will happen.
Do not mourn, dear girl. There is nothing for you to mourn about. This man did not go with your brains, beauty or even your assets. You have everything intact and that is all what matters right now. Come on girl, seize eve
ry opportunity now, and divert your energy into something useful. Sometimes you never know, cupid strikes when you least expect it. Something will come your way-be sure of it.