What is a Crush?

There is this guy at your school and every time he walks by, your heart skips several beats. You find him cute, you think about him all the time, and when he is around, you become tongue-tied. He is always on your mind, even when you focus on something else he is right there, waiting to pop up again—you find him irresistibly attractive.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011
Everyone experiences crushes.

There is this guy at your school and every time he walks by, your heart skips several beats. You find him cute, you think about him all the time, and when he is around, you become tongue-tied. He is always on your mind, even when you focus on something else he is right there, waiting to pop up again—you find him irresistibly attractive.

As we get older, our bodies grow and so do our feelings. They change and mature as we become preteens, teenagers and adults. This is absolutely normal.

A crush is a word used to describe special feelings you have for another person, a classmate, friend or even a celebrity.

Sometimes, these feelings can be confusing because they are new to you and you are not sure about how to act. You could have mixed feelings. When you see your crush, a part of you might feel embarrassed and you feel like you want to run and hide.

Though a crush is not real love, it is a little bit like the romantic love adults feel toward one another. Moreover, in a way, a crush can help you think about the kind of person that you want to love when you grow up. A crush helps you understand which qualities you notice and like in another person.

The scary thing about a crush is that you cannot choose your crushes. Your crush might be a classmate, a neighbour, your best friend, a friend of your brother or sister, a sister or brother of a friend, or a teacher at your school.

Your crush could even be on someone you do not know, like a movie star or a celebrity. When the crush is on someone you do not know, you might imagine what that person is like. Maybe you think about what it would be like to meet that person, even though you know you probably never will. It is still fun to imagine!

If you feel strange around your crush, you are not alone. That is how most people feel around their crushes. You might feel shy or excited! Some people cannot remember what they want to say when they see their crush. They feel speechless, or tongue-tied.

Have you ever felt this way? It can be hard to control how you feel, but the rules of good behavior should apply here. If your crush does not want to talk with you or it seems like you are making the person uncomfortable, it is time to back off and leave them alone.

Likewise, never let anyone behave in a way that makes you feel funny or uncomfortable. It is never okay for anyone young or old to do or ask things of you that do not feel right. That is not a good crush.

As you get older and your feelings change, you might be ready for your first boyfriend or girlfriend! However, for now, you might just be friends with your crush, if your crush wants to be friends with you. Crushes are exciting, so enjoy them while they last. Someday, you will be telling your own kids about your first crush!

If you need someone to talk with about a crush, a parent can be a good choice. Remember, they were kids once, and they know what its like.
