Pupils learn their rights ahead of holidays

WESTERN PROVINCE KARONGI — In order to prevent child abuse, primary school children in Kibuye have been educated about their rights.

Monday, March 31, 2008


KARONGI — In order to prevent child abuse, primary school children in Kibuye have been educated about their rights.

During a training organized last week, the children were taught about their rights including the right to education, healthcare and good feeding. It was emphasised that denying children any of these would be a violation of their rights.

The training was organized by Bwishyura sector social affairs department and it attracted children from three primary schools in Gatwaro, Ruganda and Nyeigabo.

It was observed that child labour was still common in some homes and the trainers and police advised them to report such cases.

The children were also cautioned against indulging in crimes during their holidays, to avoid peer influence, and to report any crimes that take place in their home areas. "Basically as children you should collaborate with the newly elected community policing committees to stop crime," said Alex Vuningoma, the area police commander and trainer.

Vuningoma noted that good collaboration between the people and community policing committee would be helpful in reducing crimes.

Children were also urged to respect their parents. The police urged children to report to teachers, parents, neighbours, local authorities and security organs any cases of rape, beatings and child labour.

"You shouldn’t keep quiet about any injustices subjected to you," said Vuningoma. Teachers were also urged to respect children’s rights.

"All these have been done in a bid to fight domestic violence," Vuningoma stressed.

Similar training was given to secondary school students of St Marie College and ESI Bwishyura.
