Over 800 Community Policing Committees complete training

Community Policing Committees (CPCs) from Gasabo District have completed a one-week training in community policing, good governance and reporting skills. The training was aimed at helping them improve their skills in reporting and proper dissemination of information regarding crime.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Community Policing Committees (CPCs) from Gasabo District have completed a one-week training in community policing, good governance and reporting skills.

The training was aimed at helping them improve their skills in reporting and proper dissemination of information regarding crime.

The Mayor of Gasabo district, Willy Ndizeye stated that the role of the CPCs is very vital and therefore such trainings are a necessity since they play a big role in curbing crime.

"CPCs work hand in hand with police and are sometimes able to identify crimes and intervene, thus simplifying police work. With this training, they will be able to provide better reports and information to police,”Ndizeye said.

The Mayor further noted that the CPCs will be in every cell of Gasabo District to help in immediate interventions, provide information, prevent and reduce crime.

Ndizeye further appealed to Rwandans to be very vigilant as the year comes to an end. He urged people to celebrate responsibly, avoid situations that will get them into crime and collaborate with CPC’s to give information regarding offences.

Allen Mutamba, one of the CPCs from Akamatamu Cell in Gasabo District, said that the training has especially helped her and others to improve their reporting skills.

"Before this training, most of us were incapable of writing reports and information but now we have acquired the necessary skills through this training that will help us serve our nation better,”Mutamba said.
