Five Questions a woman never wants to hear

In relationships two people come together with a common interest, in most cases leading to a happy home and dreams coming true. To last this way it is necessary for both parties to have a common understanding. This however is almost never the case, with the man finding it necessary to impose his views and ideas on the weaker partner, the woman.

Saturday, November 19, 2011

In relationships two people come together with a common interest, in most cases leading to a happy home and dreams coming true. To last this way it is necessary for both parties to have a common understanding. This however is almost never the case, with the man finding it necessary to impose his views and ideas on the weaker partner, the woman.

Yes, it is a fact that the man was made first, woman was created to be a helper and woman happens to be the one to fall and crumble under emotional pressure. This however does not mean that the woman is a tool or insignificant, it is quite the contrary. Woman has now become strong and in a relationship with common interests it is necessary for the man to understand if he still wants his head above the water, his mouth should never let certain sentences spill out.

Are you going to be much longer: this is the point where the pause button is automatically hit and suddenly life seems to stop for a moment that could last forever? You’re going on a road trip and not only must she put the kids in the car, but also make sure the house and everything is in order, proper instructions are left to the house help, provided there is one, make sure your things are in order then catch up to you in the car. This question makes the woman feel unappreciated for all the effort she is trying to make, to keep you pleased and smiling always.

Don’t you think you should start running: are you calling her fat? This question marks the beginning of the end. This means you are trying to tell her that you preferred her when you first started out, when she was lean and resembled the famous icon Beyonce. It is hard enough for her to do everything you ask her. Pick up your shoes, wash your clothes, and get your dry cleaning among other things, now you want her to join a gym. A lack of understanding on your part!

What’s for supper: the woman hears only one thing; your place is in the kitchen. When you got here you signed the imaginary agreement that said you have no other place but in the kitchen.  This shows the woman your lack of emotion and appreciation. This simple question, probably asked in a moment of extreme innocence could cost you your relationship.

What was your previous boyfriend like? A woman would interpret this as I don’t like the thought of you being with someone else, can’t stand the fact that there was another one out there before me, your mine, mine, mine. This is out of line for anyone. This same question reversed would lead to an argument that would probably last for weeks. You are here and now and that is all you need to know is the reply that would come at you after asking such a question. The past is the past dear men, and it is best it stays that way.

Who were you talking to?  Big, big, mistake. This question is slang for, I don not trust you, I don not like you talking to other men, how much did that smile really mean?

This only makes a woman feel like she is not trusted. Just because she is with you does not mean she has to give up her life. On top of mistrust it makes her feel like she more of the household furniture than your partner.

It is quite clear and evident words must be weighed when speaking to your better half gentlemen.