Jobseeker’s Diary

I like to think I’m a pacifist. It’s the reason I keep to myself most of the time and I really try not to step on anyone’s toes. Still, some people find a way to get me worked up. There’s a girl at work who’s really pushed it. For about two weeks now, our clock-in system hasn’t been working and as happens in such times, many of us decided to take advantage of that little problem, especially because the boss wasn’t around. We haven’t been taking entire days off, just coming in a few minutes after the official reporting time. Little did we know that someone was gathering “evidence”.

Saturday, November 19, 2011

I like to think I’m a pacifist. It’s the reason I keep to myself most of the time and I really try not to step on anyone’s toes. Still, some people find a way to get me worked up. There’s a girl at work who’s really pushed it. For about two weeks now, our clock-in system hasn’t been working and as happens in such times, many of us decided to take advantage of that little problem, especially because the boss wasn’t around. We haven’t been taking entire days off, just coming in a few minutes after the official reporting time. Little did we know that someone was gathering "evidence”.

When the boss returned on Wednesday, he told us he knew all about our stunts and that we would be penalized for "stealing” company time! I was horrified, especially when I learnt who the mole is. It is someone I considered a friend, and someone I’ve helped many times. If she’s not asking me to help her with her assignments, she’s asking for a soft loan or wants to borrow my cool earrings. Not once have I complained or refused to be of help because that’s what friends do. One time, she even borrowed my flash and accidentally deleted all my documents. I didn’t "kill” her even when what she did meant I lost important information.

That is why I’m so mad at her. Apart from the fact that I feel betrayed by my so called friend, I believe it’s not her place to tell the boss about who came to work on time or reported late and some other trivial stuff. I’m told this is about the time of year staff  are evaluated, which evaluations will be used to award bonuses and promotions come end of year. Could it be that the self-appointed Time Keeper wants to score points? Probably. I’m still plotting a befitting revenge and trust me, I’ll execute it. For now though, I’m going to sever ties with her. That’s what I do to people who cross me. Rather than smile and pretend that everything is okay, I’ve decided not to talk to her at all. Also, no more offers to share my snacks or powder. She can try making new friends.

My other discovery this week is that I finally know why the cleaner has been acting up. She’s pregnant! Not that it gives her the right to be rude but I somehow sympathize with her. The pregnancy must be weighing her down, literally. She still locks the tea room at the most crucial time when many of us badly need a cup or two of tea. It may be a tea room but she has turned it into a nap room. I can understand that since there are times I’ve wanted to take a nap myself because I felt too tired.

What I don’t understand is why she also locks the toilet. God help you if you want to go and the mum-to-be is not in the mood to open for you, you must then find some other place to go. That and other incidences when her attitude really sucks. If that’s how people get when expecting, I don’t want to be pregnant. I doubt any of the girls at work will throw a baby shower for this lady but in case they do, I will not attend. Showers are about love and giving and I’m not sure I have much love, or desire to give this woman anything.

To be continued…