Dear Aunt Silvia,

I am a married man and a father of four adult children all living away from home. My wife and I live in the same house but different bedrooms for some reasons am not aware of. One day I came from my business trips and she had moved out of our matrimonial bed. I have every reason to suspect that she is having an extra marital affair because I have become sexually inactive after suffering from high blood pressure and  diabetes. What should I do to make her see that what she is doing is wrong?

Saturday, November 19, 2011

I am a married man and a father of four adult children all living away from home. My wife and I live in the
same house but different bedrooms for some reasons am not aware of. One day I came from my business trips
and she had moved out of our matrimonial bed. I have every reason to suspect that she is having an extra
marital affair because I have become sexually inactive after suffering from high blood pressure and  diabetes. What should I do to make her see that what she is doing is wrong?


Dear Abednego,

When men are younger their sex drive is very high unlike the women. Most women experience the real pleasure

of sex when they are mature, and some experience much later in life, some even in their menopause. So, due
to the fact that you are no longer sexually active, it is understandable that you suspect her to be in an

You need make her understand that your inactiveness was brought about by the fact that you are hypertensive
and diabetic, and not because you have lost interest in her. By the way if you do not explain this to her,
like any other woman-she thinks that you have lost interest in her.

She needs to gently be reminded of her marriage vows, for better or for worse till death. I say take heart;
it is not the end of the world just because your wife is not sharing your bed.

In the meantime I would advise you to see a counsellor together with your wife so that you can be advised
on how to go on living happily ever after, even when no sex is involved. There is more to life than just
