Awareness campaign about diabetes important

Dear editor, Unlike other diseases, diabetes has had little or no attention vis-à-vis other contagious diseases like HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis (TB), sexually transmitted diseases, malaria, cholera and others. As a result, this has led to an increase in diabetes prevalence in the country.

Sunday, March 30, 2008

Dear editor,

Unlike other diseases, diabetes has had little or no attention vis-à-vis other contagious diseases like HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis (TB), sexually transmitted diseases, malaria, cholera and others. As a result, this has led to an increase in diabetes prevalence in the country.

The most urgent element in the combat against diabetes, includes a massive campaign about the major conditions that give rise to diabetes, such as excessive fatness or obesity, lack of physical exercises, having balanced diet which does have neither much fats nor much sugar, and the population should be advised about the vitality of vitamins, as the name depict, vital amino acids (important amino acids for our bodies).

The population should always be reminded of having diabetes test at least once a year, and the importance of consulting an association for the diabetes patients in Rwanda (RD). I think addressing the diabetes issue earlier will reverse the rate at which the disease is increasing and hence helping the government in safe guarding the general health status of the people.

As the saying goes that prevention is better than cure, diabetes is very expensive to treat, and additionally, it is incurable.

It is in this regard that I call authorities and all the people to work in unison so as to sensitize the masses about the diabetes issue.
