Improve on transport within Kigali City

Dear editor, It is increasingly becoming difficult to board taxis both to and from places of work, as taxis are scarcely available.

Sunday, March 30, 2008

Dear editor,

It is increasingly becoming difficult to board taxis both to and from places of work, as taxis are scarcely available.

Places like Nyamirambo have no omnibuses to serve them; as a result some of them have resorted to footing. This has crippled their performance, and more to that it can lead to dismissals, as the workers are regarded to be duty negligent, because of not observing punctuality.

Most importantly, the weak and the aged cannot manage to struggle for the few available morning taxis. Thus succumbing to walking with the little energy they have. Please kindly come to our rescue, other wise the situation is appalling.
