Bee farming helping farmers out of poverty

EASTERN PROVINCE GATSIBO — The number of bee farmers in Gatsibo district has increased, an official has said.

Sunday, March 30, 2008


GATSIBO — The number of bee farmers in Gatsibo district has increased, an official has said.

Apollinaire Karangwa, the agronomist of Gitoke sector told The New Times last week that more residents have adopted bee farming as an economic activity compared to previous years. He was touring different bee keeping sites in his sector.

"A big number of people have picked interest in bee keeping. They have begun to see the benefits and have started taking it seriously as an economic activity that can improve their livelihood," Karangwa said.

The official observed though bee keeping was previously practiced in Gatsibo, it was on a small scale and that very few people seemed to realize its importance.

Different sectors in the district have joined in the activity and in places like Rwibogo, Ngarama, and Nyakayaga, there are over 40 bee hives each. And they harvest honey after every two weeks during the dry season.

In Gitoke sector, Karangwa said that they extract between 20kg to 60kgs depending on the season.

"The activity will help residents out of poverty because it is profitable, requires less supervision and it does not demand too much effort," Karangwa said.

Bizimana, who is among the residents who recently adopted bee farming says that he at first feared the practice thinking it was dangerous.

"I have since discovered that it is not dangerous and the protective gear we wear while attending to the combs is not at all expensive," Bizimana said.

He noted that the time between when one sets up the combs and the time of harvest is very short.
