Kibuye prepares for the mourning week

WESTERN PROVINCE KIBUYE — Gishyita sector has organized a number of events to mark the fourteenth anniversary commemorating the 1994 Genocide slated for April 7.

Sunday, March 30, 2008


KIBUYE — Gishyita sector has organized a number of events to mark the fourteenth anniversary commemorating the 1994 Genocide slated for April 7.

Athletic competitions have been taking place in Gishyita for the past days whose finals will be held during the mourning week. Other activities will feature drama, and songs in condemnation of the genocide and genocide ideology.

During the same week, a seminar will be held to educate parents how to fight genocide ideology in families.

"It has been realised that children learn the genocide ideology from their parents," said Augustin Museruka, the sector Executive Secretary.

Some people have already offered to testify about the Genocide on April 7 at Gatwaro Stadium while others are preparing to give a decent burial to remains of other Genocide victims.

"I witnessed the genocide and I was just recently released from prison. I will provide any information that will be needed from me in promoting unity among Rwandans," said aformer inmate only identified as Habimana. He said that while in prison he reflected on the mistakes he committed during the genocide but was ready to help in re-building what he destroyed.

"In case there are any discovered remains, we are ready to help their relatives rebury them decently," said Habimana.

Meanwhile, other people have already started mourning and it is believed that sooner or later, trauma cases will start surfacing. Some medical officials in the area say they have started treating trauma cases.

However, they say they are ready to handle trauma cases during this season because they normally prepared for it.

Bearing in mind that Kibuye witnessed more killings compared to the rest of the country, the commemoration period has always been sorrowful event and the wailing of the genocide survivors who lost their loved ones is a common occurrence here.

Certainly the figures shown at the memorial sites are a clear indication of the big numbers killed. It’s not easy to find numbers less than 1000 on any of the mass graves.

For instance about 1000 were buried at Gatwaro Stadium memorial site, the Catholic Church has 11,000 yet they are just close to each other. This does not include Bisesero, where up to now the exact number of victims has not been established as they keep discovering more.

"We are not sure of the number of people buried in this mass grave, and we are not sure of the remains that we are yet to find during this mourning period," said Narcisse Kabanda, in charge of Bissesero Memorial Site. That apart, the Western Province has always ranked second in genocide ideology.

Barely a month ago, Karongi district authorities transferred scores of staff members of a school in Gisovu reportedly over genocide ideology. Though many of them denied the charges, it was evident and the Methodists, who are the proprietors of the school supported the transfer.

In a similar incident, cases of genocide ideology have also been reported in Gisovu Sector.

"People of Gisovu don’t always wish a Tutsi to lead them. That is why there are very few among their leaders," said a resident in Rwinkuba who asked not to be named.
