Do not be pressured into relationships

There is time for everything; teenagers do not need to be pressured into getting into a relationship. Due to peer pressure, some teenagers search for boyfriends or girlfriends to feel part of an important clique. However, these intimate relationships are not meant for teenagers because they are not emotionally mature to handle the stress and consequences associated with them.  Last weekend, I overheard a 15-year- old girl telling her peers that she thinks her boyfriend wants to dump her and go out with her rival in class.

Monday, November 14, 2011

There is time for everything; teenagers do not need to be pressured into getting into a relationship. Due to peer pressure, some teenagers search for boyfriends or girlfriends to feel part of an important clique.

However, these intimate relationships are not meant for teenagers because they are not emotionally mature to handle the stress and consequences associated with them.

Last weekend, I overheard a 15-year- old girl telling her peers that she thinks her boyfriend wants to dump her and go out with her rival in class.

My ears burned after hearing this and if we were not in a public place, I would have pulled her aside and talked some sense into her. The innocence on her face almost brought tears to my eyes, because she seemed trapped in the maze of impressing her crazy-looking pals.

Do not let ‘friends’ lie to you that you look amazing when with a certain boy or girl. You are just two misguided young hearts doing the wrong thing at the wrong time.

The bandwagon effect on relationships never ends well. Some teens get involved in relationships because their best friends are dating and want to fit in. True friends are not conditional and should not influence wrong choices in your life. If they do, then it is time to look the other way and find positive people who will point you to the right direction. Try joining youth clubs like, ‘Clean Teens’ which promote virginity amongst teenagers or those with slogans like ‘Not Before Marriage (NBM)’.

 If you are fully committed to such clubs in school, the chances of being lured into getting involved in an intimate relationship are minimal. This is because you are constantly reminded of how important it is to be loyal to your commitment in the club.

Always remember that unhealthy relationships among students lead to academic failure.