Alcoholism, land disputes rife in Rubavu

Alcoholism and land wrangles in Rubavu District are the highest cause of insecurity in the area, according to police and other security organs in the district. This was revealed this week during the district monthly security meeting.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Alcoholism and land wrangles in Rubavu District are the highest cause of insecurity in the area, according to police and other security organs in the district.

This was revealed this week during the district monthly security meeting.

Participants in the meeting included the district leadership and executive secretaries of the district, police and military officials.

Cases of people hacking one another in the district due to land disputes and alcoholism are high although the general crime rate is reducing significantly, according to police.

In order to reduce crimes emanating from alcoholism, district authorities have instructed bar proprietors not to open until after working hours.

The high school dropout rate in the district is also synonymous with crime and prostitution in the area.
