Importance of self discipline

There is an interesting controversy going on regarding the issue of providing condoms to high school students. Well that is an entirely debatable issue with people having strong views in favour and against it. The opinion of people is based on their cultural background, religious beliefs and life experience.  Same is the case for sex education to school children. Whenever the issue is raised there are many people in favour or against it as per their beliefs.

Saturday, November 12, 2011
Condoms can help to prevent HIV among sexually active youths. Net Photo

There is an interesting controversy going on regarding the issue of providing condoms to high school students. Well that is an entirely debatable issue with people having strong views in favour and against it. The opinion of people is based on their cultural background, religious beliefs and life experience.  Same is the case for sex education to school children. Whenever the issue is raised there are many people in favour or against it as per their beliefs.

It is important to protect the younger generation from hazards of unprotected sex like HIV/AIDS, hepatitis B and C, unwanted pregnancies and hazardous abortions. Different strategies are sought for it including providing condoms.

 In this regard, it is important to teach the importance of self discipline to the students. Elders should set an example of observing self discipline in day to day behaviour so that the youngsters emulate them.

Self discipline is a term which means discipline over self, i.e. control over one’s desires and impulses. It is very important for a person’s overall health and well being.

Self discipline involves discipline over mind and body functions. A person may be fond of good rich food.  He knows the adverse effects of consuming fats in excess amounts. He also knows from experience that overeating leads to abdominal   discomfort. But in spite of this if he cannot stop himself from eating potato frites or kebabs in large quantity; it shows lack of self discipline.  People continue to consume alcohol and smoke, in spite of knowing its hazards and even while becoming sick. This again happens due to lack of self discipline.

Same principal applies to unprotected sex. The social and health related risks of unprotected sex and sex with multiple partners are known to all grown up men and women.  To discourage this unhealthy practice, many social and religious taboos have been put on extra marital sex in all societies of the world.   But still many men and women indulge in sex outside marriage. When adults lack the necessary restraint, it is difficult for adolescents and teenagers to refrain from experimenting with sex. 

Another area needing self discipline is the speech of a person. All the people know what to say, but few know what not to say. It is self discipline over speech that prevents them from saying petty and spiteful things to others. They also refrain from unnecessary gossip. These kinds of persons help in maintaining peace and harmony in both places, i.e. at home and at work.

Teenagers are at an impressionable age of their lives. They get carried away easily by somebody talking big. They are gullible to fall in the trap of temptations of the world. Moreover when they watch their elders indulging in such type of behaviour, they consider it as accepted behaviour.

Teenagers are mostly ignorant about the harmful effects of lack of self discipline. They do not know that eating the wrong kind of food or eating only for the sake of taste will deprive them of necessary nutrition and make the body unhealthy. Regarding sex, they have much curiosity and temptation to do it. But many do not know the risks they expose themselves to, for few minutes of physical pleasure.

Same is the issue with abusive substances. They feel tempted to smoke, drink alcohol due to multiple reasons like showing off that they are grown up, they are courageous, e.t.c., so many reasons. But at large they are unaware about the harmful long term effects of these substances on the body. When they see others around using these substances, they do not consider it as bad and copy them.

Learning to speak the right things in the right way and avoiding saying unpleasant   things is an integral part of improving one’s personality.  Hence children should be taught about it from an early age.

Once adolescents and teenagers understand the importance of self discipline and practice it in their lives, they will surely stay away from the harmful temptations of the world and grow as healthy responsible citizens.