Neighbour Diaries: Operation “move out”

So I made the decision to leave Jojo’s house. It’s a tough decision, considering that the five months I have lived in her apartment, I didn’t need to pay rent, buy furniture, nothing at all. It has been like living in a five-star hotel, but without having to pay! And now, I realize that I have nothing on my own; I don’t have any furniture, not even a bed. To those who don’t know, I once had everything that a young man my age needs.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

So I made the decision to leave Jojo’s house. It’s a tough decision, considering that the five months I have lived in her apartment, I didn’t need to pay rent, buy furniture, nothing at all. It has been like living in a five-star hotel, but without having to pay! And now, I realize that I have nothing on my own; I don’t have any furniture, not even a bed. To those who don’t know, I once had everything that a young man my age needs.

And in one night, a night I am not so eager to think about, everything went. No, I didn’t sell it, or give it away; it was robbed, thank you for asking!!

I know that if I tell Jojo about my decision to leave, she is going to do whatever she has to do to make sure I don’t leave. And it is not that she has any problem with me leaving, but because she just likes being in charge of everything, even things that are not her concern, like where I choose to live.

So, for the meantime, I am keeping it a secret, as I first organize myself. And this organization is more carefully planned than a military operation; I had saved up some money, anticipating a day like this would come soon, when I would feel like Jojo’s activities had become too much for me to handle. This thing she did to Melisa’s brother, threatening to get him fired if Melissa continued being friends with me; that was the last straw for me. Jojo is too cold hearted and manipulative for my own good.

So, for the past week, I have been looking around for a new house. I must say, I am very displeased with the exercise, and am very frustrated because I have to admit it; Jojo’s flat is very comfortable. Finding something even half as comfortable shocked me to reality; good accommodation is so expensive. So, I will have to settle for a place that isn’t nice but is affordable, or get a really posh place, and suffer the cost consequences. The second option is clearly not viable, considering that I am yet to buy furniture and a lot of other things that I have been taking for granted. Like the 52 inch plasma TV, the leather sofas. Jojo certainly has taste and well, she doesn’t spare cost to get comfortable.

But in the meantime, I am not making any new friends, and I am staying away from my other female friends, lest I put innocent people in line of fire, and they become Jojo’s victims as well, just like Becky and Mellissa. With Jojo, one can never be sure what she will do, but for certain, her retribution is ruthless and swift. I mean, she moved her very own auntie out of her apartment just because her cousin and I were beginning to get a little too comfortable with each other for her liking. And that incident of Melissa and her brother, just because Melissa was too curious for her own good

Jojo must be suspecting that I am up to something. Yesterday, while having dinner at a restaurant, she brought the Mellissa issue. When Jojo harassed Becky, I strongly objected, and let her know exactly what I thought of the whole unholy incident. But with Melissa, I kept my cool, though I was seething inside, for two reasons; one, I knew there was no point in objecting because if Jojo was up to something, she would still go ahead and do it anyway even if the whole world was against her. Two, I was too shocked to say anything, and it’s that shock that gave birth to my ideas of relocating out of her apartment. But, I am sure she knows I am cooking up something, and she is going to do whatever it takes to find out what it is.