Fashion:Turn heads with purple

In nature as well as the commercial world, you may have noticed that Purple is one of the least used colours. Well, that was in the past, seasons have changed. After laying low for decades and decades the purple colour sprung up with so much vigour and vengeance! It took the fashion world with a storm, as you read this piece, Purple is one of the hottest colours gracing the streets and offices!

Saturday, November 12, 2011

In nature as well as the commercial world, you may have noticed that Purple is one of the least used colours. Well, that was in the past, seasons have changed. After laying low for decades and decades the purple colour sprung up with so much vigour and vengeance! It took the fashion world with a storm, as you read this piece, Purple is one of the hottest colours gracing the streets and offices!

Although in many parts of the world including Rwanda, purple colour was fated as a colour of mourning. Purple was the favourite colour of Egypt's Cleopatra and It has been traditionally associated with royalty in many cultures.

According to colour experts, each colour causes an emotional response. For example, Blue evokes a cool calm peacefulness. Yellow can symbolize fear; Orange, anger; and Green, life. Pink implies weakness, softness, or femininity, while Red shouts passion, energy, ardour, and warmth.

When looking at any single primary colour, it communicates a solid, easy-to-read message. But combine two primary colours to make a secondary colour and you get a slightly more complex message. And of course Purple is a secondary colour, a combination of Blue and Red. Because purple is derived from the mixing of a strong warm and strong cool colour it has both warm and cool properties.

As you bid farewell to 2011 and ushering in 2012, it’s time to lower your guards a little and get playful, light up your wardrobe with a purple something. A little purple dress here, a pair of purple stilettos there will make you stand out as a fashion conqueror. Next time you see someone donning a purple outfit don’t ,do yourself a favour , don’t wrinkle your nose or call fashion police, just tip your heart for them  because  thing is, fashion-wise, they are a little ahead .