I hate people who…

…think they can be instant professional photographers. One of these days I may be thrown out of a party for instilling discipline in some of the jokers that frequent parties. I am talking about the people who arrive as guests and suddenly turn into ‘professional’ photographers thanks to their cheap Chinese-made phones. I basically hate anyone who owns a cheap Chinese-made phone and those who choose to use it like it was a professional Canon or Nikon Digital camera just simply piss me off. I always feel like smacking them hard in the face and telling to sit down. I always find myself taking a deep breath to relax and avoid going violent on these sorry excuses of human beings.  

Saturday, November 12, 2011
The Hater

…think they can be instant professional photographers. One of these days I may be thrown out of a party for instilling discipline in some of the jokers that frequent parties. I am talking about the people who arrive as guests and suddenly turn into ‘professional’ photographers thanks to their cheap Chinese-made phones. I basically hate anyone who owns a cheap Chinese-made phone and those who choose to use it like it was a professional Canon or Nikon Digital camera just simply piss me off. I always feel like smacking them hard in the face and telling to sit down. I always find myself taking a deep breath to relax and avoid going violent on these sorry excuses of human beings.  

…are never to be found in their offices. Now who hires these jokers who are hardly ever to be found in their offices? Don’t look at me, I am talking about all of you who are always in one meeting or another and when you are not in a meeting you are in a seminar. After the seminar you have rushed off for evening classes. These are the guys who make me feel like stopping here with my writing just so I can haunt them while they sleep at night. Dude you are not paid to simply attend meetings, seminars and evening classes. You belong in school not in an office. The next time you see The Hater in a meeting I will probably be looking out for you. Yeah, you can run but you can’t hide.  

…have annoyingly short memories especially waiters/waitresses. Please, spare me your sorry excuses and that nonsense of its-human-to-err. I have heard just about enough of it. What you may not have heard is that I really hate people who take your order in a restaurant only to return asking you what you ordered. The joker shows up with just some of the things you told him/her. When you ask for the salt shaker, she brings you the ketchup bottle. Not only do I want to see who hires these annoying human beings but also who their parents are. If you have a short memory, why not write down the order or simply look for another job that requires less thinking and remembering.

…say they hate the rain as if they don’t know its advantages. For this particular group, I just wish their creator would recall them the same way companies recall faulty products. How else can I fail to hate on a person who says he hates the rain yet he needs water and food. I never thought that some people would still have the courage to be this stupid after hearing of people starving in Somalia. These part time thinkers should not be among us if they have chosen to suspend their thinking capacities. These are the same jokers that think water and food come strictly from supermarkets. 

…make unacceptable mistakes at jobs that pay them not to. Let me just say that it is clearly sickening to find spelling and grammatical errors in a newspaper, sometimes even this particular one. I never asked you to make my job of hating this easy by always including mistakes in the newspaper that you expect me to pay for. Ok so what is the role of the editors? What about spell check on the computer? Please give me one reason why I should not slap such people if I got half the chance? If you are always letting spelling and grammatical errors to slip into the newspaper then you either need a new job or a reservation at the mental hospital. 

Let me help you hate by sending your suggestions to thehater2009@gmail.com or a text message to +250 788 545293