When you head to Rome, you have to act like Romans

When you go to Rome, you have to act as Romans. This is exactly what happened to Aggrey and me when we tried to act like some people. In Rwanda, there is a saying the goes; ingendo y’undi iravuna (Imitating other people can be difficult). It was during a party that we had hosted at our modest house.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

When you go to Rome, you have to act as Romans. This is exactly what happened to Aggrey and me when we tried to act like some people. In Rwanda, there is a saying the goes; ingendo y’undi iravuna (Imitating other people can be difficult). It was during a party that we had hosted at our modest house.

During those days, booze was flowing like the river Nile itself. You see, those were the days when we were still single men.

Now, the situation is difficult as most of us have become family men and have that crucial task of finding food to put on the tables – lest our dependants faint in real hunger!

Anyways, the party had begun and I think we had created a birthday for our dear friend whose name was Afande Niko. That is why guests flooded in with birthday presents wrapped in huge boxes. As guests filed in, Afande Niko received his gifts in style. For men, Afande Niko thanked them my pounding is head against theirs three times.

As for the ladies, he planted three kisses onto their velvet faces.

For Aggrey and I, this was quite a new phenomenon which we felt we had to partake! Besides, we convinced ourselves that when you travel to Rome, you have to act like Romans. That is why I grabbed one of the gentlemen and proceeded to bang my head against his. Wow! The experience was not the very best as I immediately earned myself a serious headache.

Upon evaluating the situation, Aggrey decided that he would neglect this head butting business with the male guests. In light of this, he decided to try his experiment on the ladies. It was disastrous. Instead of targeting the lady’s cheeks, Aggrey innocently went for the lips. Before you could blink your eyes twice, a blow emerged from nowhere, flooring Aggrey in the process. It was like a rocket. When Aggrey finally managed to open his eyes, the party had ended many hours ago!

For him, his party was to resume in a Nyamirambo clinic where we went for medical attention! Rome Rome ROME!!!
