Living Life :Faith In The Future

It says in the bible something along the lines that one should not worry for today for tomorrow will take care of itself. Because of that some chaps choose to do the shameful thing of spending everything they earn today without any care in the world of what tomorrow will bring. It is called living hand to mouth.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

It says in the bible something along the lines that one should not worry for today for tomorrow will take care of itself. Because of that some chaps choose to do the shameful thing of spending everything they earn today without any care in the world of what tomorrow will bring. It is called living hand to mouth.

In other words, even though there are those who lead that kind of life because of lack of another option, those who do so just because they have no faith in the future are like a man so much in a hurry to die that they spend all their time digging their own grave.

Human beings do everything they do today so that they can live to see another day. We eat so we can be strong tomorrow, sleep so that that we can wake up to see another sunrise, work so that we can put food on the table tomorrow. So we are basically living for the future not for today or now because we are alive. We are here now because of what we did yesterday. We breathe because our biological systems are working off energy we gained yesterday.

Life is what you wish it to be, not what some predetermined calendar decides for you. Many a time in this same column you have read that people make their own future, they make their own luck. Luck does not just drop from heaven. Lucky people are those that keep chasing after their luck till they get it. Be it by faith, hard work, smart work or attitude, at least they are doing something about their future.

Even if they are not specifically planning what they will eat tomorrow, their actions align themselves with a good tomorrow and a good future. In other words, I think that that bible phrase means that we should try to control what we can of the future and leave the rest to the unpredictable issues. For example, you can decide to seek insurance against an accident in future. You know not if you will or will not have an accident. But in case it happens you have a fallback position. By that you have put your faith in the future. The same is the case with saving, investing, education, raising children, taking up a job etc.

We live for the future. Even the churches plan for tomorrow, and why not you? They just don’t wait for tomorrow to happen by itself. So if you are the type who has no faith in the future, then you are as good as the walking dead.

I wish you a hopeful Sunday!