More funds for water management in Africa

The African Development Bank (AfDB), the New Partnership for Africa’s Development (NEPAD), and the World Bank urged for increased funding on agricultural water management in Africa. Water management in Africa would include irrigation, drainage and rainwater harvesting.

Saturday, March 29, 2008

The African Development Bank (AfDB), the New Partnership for Africa’s Development (NEPAD), and the World Bank urged for increased funding on agricultural water management in Africa. Water management in Africa would include irrigation, drainage and rainwater harvesting.

The initiative would promote knowledge sharing, dissemination and capacity strengthening. It would launch innovative business lines in support of agricultural water management and sustainable development.

It will also foster regional integration, coordination and partnerships, and empowerment of national and regional stakeholders.

The partners issued the call in Tunis during the First African Water Week, a meeting that discussed challenges facing agriculture water development in Africa and a proposal for a new initiative aimed at scaling up investments and ensuring a more reliable, broad-based and sustained flow of funds for agricultural water, as well promoting analytical work and supporting sectoral strategies in the field of agricultural water, a press statement from WB reads in part.

According to the World Bank’s latest World Development Report, growth in the agricultural sector in Africa is vital to poverty reduction and to the achievement of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs).

"Strategic public and related private investment in water management will be essential for the intensification of agricultural production and for meeting targets for poverty alleviation, food production and economic recovery by 2015,”said Richard Mkandawire, NEPAD’s Agriculture Advisor.

"Reliance on irregular and unreliable rainfall for agricultural production is a major constraint on crop productivity in the region,” Mkandawire added.

"Developing water resources and rural infrastructure are among the key priority areas of the African Development Bank in Africa. The ongoing agriculture portfolio of the Bank comprises 240 projects covering 28 countries with a total investment of $3b (Frw1,640b).  More than a third of the investment portfolio, i.e. $1.37b (Frw750), has been assigned to agriculture water development covering 53 projects and programs, and benefiting 23 African countries,” said Aly Abou-Sabaa, Director of the Agriculture and Agro-Industry Department of the AfDB.

"The initiative is timely in view of the rising food prices across the globe and the World Bank is committed to investing up to $1b (Frw546b) in sustainable agricultural water projects over the next 5 years”, said John Stein, Acting Director of the Sustainable Development Department, Africa Region, World Bank.

The Tunis meeting discussed the agricultural water strategy: Investment in agricultural water for poverty reduction and economic growth in sub-Saharan Africa in response NEPAD’s desire to implement land and water management (Pillar I) of the Comprehensive Africa Agriculture Development Program (CAADP).

The CAADP encompasses among other objectives an increase in the area under sustainable water management in Africa to 20 million hectares, up from less than 7 million hectares at present.
