Beetroot is quite common in many local markets, and affordable—going for Rwf 800 to 1500 a bunch depending on where you buy them.
Nutritionists strongly recommend the use of beetroot as it has powerful health benefits. Apart from its aroma and delicious taste, Emmy Ntamanga, a nutrition consultant in Kigali, says beetroot is a nutritionally dense root vegetable.
For instance, he says, beetroot is known for its cardiovascular and heart health benefits. This is due to a combination of compounds that enhance blood flow, improve the health of arteries, and support lower homocysteine levels as well as reduce LDL cholesterol.
Ntamanga goes on to note that if one is looking for something that’s low in calories but high in nutrients, look no further than this vegetable.
"To start with, beetroot has an appetising colour, one can add them in salads, soups or blend them for a tasty and health juice,” he says.
Joseph Uwiragiye, the head of the nutrition department at University Teaching Hospital of Kigali (CHUK), says beetroots are also an excellent source of antioxidants.
He explains that these natural compounds protect cells from damage and may even lower the risk of heart disease and cancer.
Uwiragiye says they are also loaded with fibre, thus a great way to boost your fibre intake. For instance, it has been established that just one cup of beetroot contains 3.8 grams of fibre.
He says that the health benefits of fibre are many as it helps control blood sugar levels, maintain a healthy weight, and lower cholesterol.
"A diet of fibre could reduce your risk for conditions like colon cancer, heart disease, and inflammatory bowel disease. In addition, when you take in foods that are rich in fibre, you fill up quickly, thus maintain desired weight,” he says.
Uwiragiye says beetroot also contains nitrates, which open blood vessels that can help with blood pressure and may also improve athletic performance and brain function.
He says that research has shown that drinking beetroot juice before exercise will increase cardio-respiratory endurance, allowing one to exercise for longer. This is because the nitrates found in beets are turned into nitric acid in the body, which in turn increases blood flow. This improves lung function and also strengthens muscle contraction.
Also, the nitrates in beets are also help lower blood pressure if one has hypertension.
Ntamanga says that this vegetable’s red or purplish colour means it contains many nutrients. For instance, the red and purple beetroots are known for being rich in a type of betalain called betacyanins which come with even more health benefits.
Betalains have been shown to provide antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and detoxification support. Studies have also associated betalains with reducing cancer risk and lessening tumour cell growth.