Residents urged to safeguard Genocide survivors

WESTERN PROVINCE RUSIZI — As the country approaches the 14th Genocide commemoration anniversary, residents of Rusizi district have been cautioned against genocide ideology and its related crimes.

Friday, March 28, 2008


RUSIZI — As the country approaches the 14th Genocide commemoration anniversary, residents of Rusizi district have been cautioned against genocide ideology and its related crimes.

The call was made this week by Brig. Gen. Wilson Gumisiriza, the RDF Commander of 501 Brigade. He was speaking at a meeting of members of Private Sector Federation (PSF) in Rusizi, and district leaders at La Petite colline Hotel in Kamembe sector.

"I beg you as residents with integrity to exhibit unity, love, and compassion to genocide survivors during this mourning period. Avoid genocide ideology including uttering words that may hurt survivors,” he said.

He also urged the participants to always attend genocide commemoration ceremonies and to provide assistance to genocide survivors especially during the period.

Gumisiriza also urged members to report cases of harassment of Genocide survivors to security organs in time.

During the same meeting, the Gen called on residents to remain vigilant to maintain security of genocide survivors, saying some criminals may want to kill them during the mourning week.

Participants were also advised to shun rumours which may cause insecurity in the area and to always share information concerning the security situation.

Gumisiriza further urged residents to encourage rebels of Democratic Forces for Liberation of Rwanda (FDLR), hiding in DR Congo formerly living in Rusizi and Nyamasheke districts, to abandon their dissident activities and return to their country.
