Business Perspective:Team building for better results

It can be such a daunting task when a person is in business. But it can be even a greater risk in trading if you don’t have the right team to help you in your day to day business activities. When you are that leader, there are few tips that ought to be followed to help you organize your team to yield even better results and good performance.

Saturday, November 05, 2011

It can be such a daunting task when a person is in business. But it can be even a greater risk in trading if you don’t have the right team to help you in your day to day business activities.

When you are that leader, there are few tips that ought to be followed to help you organize your team to yield even better results and good performance.

As the name team leader suggests, the team leader should be in a position to be able to lead his team in a positive manner. As a team leader, you contribute to the overall success of the organization. You work with fellow members of the organization to produce these results. Even though you have a specific job function and or you belong to a specific department, you are unified with other organization members to accomplish the overall objectives. The bigger picture drives your actions; your function exists to serve the bigger picture.

Recruiting the right people in an organization is also very important. Not everybody can do everything, so it is important for a team leader to identify that not all people can do all the jobs entailed. Some people are good at doing certain things and others are not, so it is up to the team leader to see this gap and make necessary changes or hire people who can do the job, instead of ignoring the problem.

A team leader should always be in a position to trust his team to make certain decisions. There are team leaders who want to do everything at the same time, making it impossible for his team to meet certain targets because decision making is done by only one person. Clear guidelines should be followed; some things are so small to wait for the team leader for a whole week before anything is decided upon. Each member of the team should be able to know what decisions they can make and what they cannot, this will go a long way into helping your team members gain self confidence, because they will feel trusted.

Having a team that is never trained is no-no. Employees should be trained at least once in every quarter. There is nothing as bad as having a team that is stagnant. In fact, they don’t have to be registered in some college or pay lots of money to a consultant to come and train them- in house training can also be arranged and heads of department can help train in their respective field, so that all employees should be empowered to be all rounded. This always works in favor of the organization just in case one of the employees leaves the company; another employee should be able to fill in the gap with ease before another recruitment takes place.

There is nothing as good as when a team leader is viewed as an appreciating person. This goes a long way into developing close ties with your team members and hence, there will be minimal chances that your work will be sabotaged. Rewarding the team members or the employees when they have surpassed the targets motivates them to even work harder. Rewarding should not be just viewed in terms of monetary, but gift vouchers or shopping vouchers can be appreciated as well, for as long as that appreciation is felt.

It does not take a saint for a company to have a good team to yield better results, but the determination of the team leader.