Public transport nightmare in Kibuye

WESTERN PROVINCE KIBUYE —Whether it is by taxi, bus or boat, getting public transport is a nightmare for travellers connecting to other areas from Kibuye.

Friday, March 28, 2008


KIBUYE —Whether it is by taxi, bus or boat, getting public transport is a nightmare for travellers connecting to other areas from Kibuye.

"Transport here is a large problem that needs to be given first priority if at all we are to develop like the rest of the country," said a taxi driver.

Except for those travelling to Kigali, people quite often resort to using water transport to go to Gisenyi. But because travellers are many, even the boats become scarce.

"I take over 25 people if they had booked the boat in advance," says Andre Luti a private boat owner.

In case a person wants to go to Gisenyi by road, it requires waking up as early as 6.00 am in order to secure a seat in the one and only big bus that plies Kibuye-Gisenyi route daily.

As people wait impatiently in Nyakariba for the bus to arrive, the number of passengers keeps surging. Thanks to the patient conductor who controls the passengers, otherwise people would end up fighting their way into the bus. The fare usually ranges between Frw700 and 1500.

"I woke up very early but I am not sure whether I will secure a seat on the bus," said a traveller who had come from Gisenyi the previous night.

As the conductor gives tickets to passengers depending on their destination, those heading to Gisenyi keep on asking the seated lucky ones where they would alight so they could inherit their seats.

One Lilliane Umutoni says she has never been lucky to secure a seat every time she travels to Gisenyi. Most people who travel standing complain that it is unfair for them to pay a uniform fare as those sitting.

But others feel that simply getting a place to stand is a blessing, especially during the holiday seasons when there are many people on the road. Some end up returning home after failing to get a place on the bus.

"They load many people and luggage that sometimes I get scared when the bus is crossing the wooden bridge in Mushubati," said Antoine Muvunyi a passenger. Indeed he was right; this bus carries a lot of luggage, most of it sacks of food.

"It’s a muddy and slippery road during the rainy season, with lots of corners, maybe people fear risking their vehicles," one said of the transport problem between Gisenyi and Kibuye.

"Since it is only one bus, we have to dance to its tune, even if it means standing we will do so," another said.

Travelling to other nearer destinations is also a big hassle. If one wants to go to Mubuga or Gishyita, they either board very early in the morning or late in the evening.

However, motorcycle operators are reaping from the scarcity. Instead of paying Frw700 on the bus to reach Rutsiro, one would part with Frw 5,000 to reach there by motor bike.

"I appeal to any transport company owners to invest in the Kibuye-Gisenyi route because they will have helped the population," said a district official.
