RRA conducts seminar on EAC

  NORTHERN PROVINCE GICUMBI — Officials from the Rwanda Revenue Authority [RRA] Wednesday conducted a one-day seminar to educate residents on the benefits from the East African Community [EAC]

Friday, March 28, 2008


GICUMBI — Officials from the Rwanda Revenue Authority [RRA] Wednesday conducted a one-day seminar to educate residents on the benefits from the East African Community [EAC].

The community groups together five countries: Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, Burundi and Rwanda.

The seminar held at Gicumbi district headquarters attracted sector executive secretaries across the district, heads of secondary and primary schools, the business community and religious leaders.

Vincent Gatete, RRA official in charge of EAC coordination, explained that the EAC Customs Union will enable Rwandan traders to be exempted from taxes while importing goods from member countries. He said this would reduce smuggling activities in the country.

"Rwandans shall gain experience in business by interacting with different business people within the bloc and raise their economic power," said Gatete.

He noted that EAC would enable member countries to jointly address priority development projects such as road and railways construction linking them, improve education system; which will enable nationals of the five countries to master three languages; English, French and Swahili.

"EAC shall speed up Rwanda’s Millennium Goals, promote good governance and unify member countries," added Gatete.

Annet Birungi of the RRA tax department, dismissed fears that free trade would suffocate Rwanda’s young industries. She explained that the Rwandan business community and industries would instead be motivated to work hard and produce quality goods and services.

She observed that traders from the neighbouring districts of Kabale in Uganda, and Kagera province of Tanzania, will be buying and selling their goods in Kigali which is nearer than Kampala or Dar es Salaam.

"The East African community shall in addition attract more investors in the country from member states which will reduce prices of goods and avail Rwandans with abundant basic commodities at cheap prices," said Birungi.

On tax collection, Birungi said the Rwandan government would collect more taxes from Value added tax (VAT) because the Rwandan market would be flooded with many taxable goods.

The Seminar was moderated by the district vice Mayor for economic Affairs, Ildephonse Butera, and RRA official in charge of Gicumbi and Rulindo districts, Lambert Rwakunda.
