Rwandans in Russia celebrate liberation day
Sunday, August 28, 2022
Ambassador of the Republic of Rwanda to the Russian Federation Lt Gen Frank Mushyo Kamanzi delivering his speech to the invitees of Kwibohora28.

Russia has commended Rwanda’s active stance on African affairs, its peacekeeping efforts and unwavering support for the continental unity.

This was said by Pyotr Vitaliyevich Urzhumov, the representative of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation during the celebration of the 28th Liberation Day on August 26 in Moscow.

The event brought together Rwandans living in Russia and neighbouring countries Belarus, and Armenia, as well as friends of Rwanda and diplomatic corps in Russia.

Pyotr Vitaliyevich Urzhumov who represented the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia

Urzhumov stated that in 1994, Rwandans were able to put an end to a terrible tragedy, the memory of which remains a never-healing wound in the hearts of millions of people, both Rwandans and all people worldwide who are not indifferent to human suffering.

He appreciated the significant progress made in reconciliation of Rwandans, restoring peace and security, overcoming social and economic impact of the tragedy and working towards sustainable development.

"Russia has always supported Rwanda in strengthening its national sovereignty, resisting external pressure and determining its own path.”

Russia aims to strengthen cooperation with Rwanda in the fields of trade, economy and investment, mining, medicine, education and military and technical cooperation, he cited.

Lt Gen Frank Mushyo Kamanzi, Ambassador of Rwanda to the Russian Federation, highlighted over the past 28 years, Rwanda has registered achievements in many fields, including good governance and social economic development.

This, according to him, is based on peoples’ choice of being united and accountable –underpinned by people centered development that leaves no one behind.

He added: "We are proud to have made our contribution to the fast-tracking of the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA), most especially when Rwanda was chair of the African Union in 2018.”

Once fully operational, the AfCFTA will be the largest free trade area in the world, creating a single market for goods and services to almost 1.3 billion people across Africa.

Kamanzi also appreciated the excellent and long lasting bilateral relationship between Rwanda and the Russian Federation, mainly in cooperation in areas of education, training, science and technology, among others.